In this article, we will discuss the Tile view of the Warehouse module, including its specifications and various benefits.
If you are interested in exploring more about the List view, kindly click here.
Getting started
- Go to the
Warehouse module.
- Click on
- Then select
Scheduled crew & Transport timelines
This timeline shows which vehicles are leaving and coming back on that day. This makes it clear what projects are going out and are coming back in. You may use this to know what equipment needs to be loaded, unloaded or prepared.
Scheduled crew
This timeline shows which crew members are planned on the projects of that day.
Project tiles
Each tile of a status represents one (sub)project. A tile shows up in the Warehouse module when:
- the (sub)project status is "Confirmed".
- The planning period of the equipment group(s) matches with the date on the Warehouse module.
Note: When you are using subprojects, every tile represents a subproject.
Name | Name of the (sub)project. |
Project number | (sub)project number of this specific project. |
Date | Start or end date of the planning period. |
QR code | Scan that QR code in your Rentman app's warehouse module to start booking the (sub)project. |
Create Document |
Click on print to create a packing slip, carnet or call sheet. |
Open project |
Click on launch to open the project selected in the warehouse. |
Notes | Click on + add note to add project notes. |
Click on "Change status" to advance a project to its next status. |
Click on "Book" to start booking equipment. |
Click on “Assign crew members” to assign crew members to this (sub)project in the warehouse. |