How to handle lost or defective equipment in the warehouse

When booking equipment in the warehouse  Warehouse module, you can mark an equipment as lost or defective while booking back to the returned status. As a result, returning damaged equipment will be streamlined and maintenance will be easier to track. 

You can then use the build Maintenance module to edit/complete the equipment and ensure accurate maintenance records. 

How to mark an equipment as lost or defective in the warehouse 

  1. Go to your warehouse  Warehouse module.
  2. Select book on a project.
  3. Find the damaged equipment line and select more_vert More actions.
  4. Select Report defective or Mark lost.
  5. Fill in the appropriate options 
  6. Select Report Defective or Mark Lost


Report Equipment as Defective options
  • Serial Number- Serial number of the equipment that is marked as defect
  • Usable:
    • Item cannot be used: This item or serial number will not remain in stock, and cannot be planned on projects during the start/end period.
    • Item can be used: This item or serial number will remain in stock, and can be planned on projects during the start/end period.
  • Quantity- Specify an amount.
  • Stock Location- Choose the stock location of the defective item.
  • Charge costs to customer:
    • No: You do not wish to charge the customer additional for the defective item.
    • Yes: You wish to charge your customer additional cost for this defective equipment. Enter name and amount.
  • Remark- Add extra information for the person or company that will be repairing this item. This information can be displayed on your repair slip.
Mark Equipment as Lost options
  • Serial Number- Serial number of the equipment that is marked as defect
  • Quantity- Specify an amount.
  • Stock Location- Choose the stock location of the defective item.
  • Charge costs to customer:
    • No: You do not wish to charge the customer additional for the defective item.
    • Yes: You wish to charge your customer additional cost for this defective equipment. Enter name and amount.
  • Remark- Add extra information for the person or company that will be repairing this item. This information can be displayed on your repair slip.

Note: If you decide to charge cost to customer for the defective/lost equipment, the amount will be reflected in the additional cost tab in the project. 

What happens to my equipment after it has been marked in the warehouse? 

Once you confirm an equipment is defective or lost in the warehouse, the report will be sent to the build Maintenance module, either in the Repair or Lost Equipment sub module.

Repair Module 

If an equipment is reported as defective in the warehouse, the report will appear in the Repair module. In this module, you can edit existing repairs, add new repairs, create a repair slip and complete repairs.

Stock will fluctuate depending on whether the equipment is marked usable or not. 

Tip: Can't find an appropriate field to put your information? Create Extra Input Fields to add customized input fields in your repair module. 

Lost Equipment Module 

If an equipment is marked as lost in the warehouse, the report will appear in the Lost Equipment module. The stock of the lost equipment will automatically reduce based on the quantity indicated in the warehouse report.

If you do find the missing equipment, you can mark the equipment as found and the availability will be restored. 

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