How to deal with delayed equipment in the warehouse

During a project, equipment can be delayed on location at the venue for multiple different reasons. In Rentman, marking an equipment group as delayed during the warehouse process is essential for maintaining accurate inventory availability, preventing overbooking, and enhancing project planning.

Delayed Returns

In the warehouse process, if any equipment hasn't been booked back to the returned status by the end of the project's planning period, the project and its equipment group will appear in the 'Delayed' column within the warehouse module. 

To avoid any issues in future projects, the user has a choice to either manually move the equipment to returned status or mark the equipment as delayed.

Changing the status of the project does not change the status of the equipment.  

Mark Equipment and Equipment Groups as Delayed on the Web 

Delayed equipment mostly happen when the equipment is on site at the venue. Whether due to transportation issues or just a late return from your clients, users can mark equipment groups in the warehouse Warehouse Module as delayed to ensure availability accuracy. 

Here's how you can do this during the warehouse scanning process:

  1. Start booking the equipment for the delayed project.
  2. Click on more_vert in the middle of the screen.
  3. Click on Mark equipment groups as delayed
  4. Select an expected return date and time 
  5. Select the equipment groups you want to delay.
  6. Optional: add a remark 

By entering a new expected return date and time, the planning period of all marked equipment in the 'On Location' will be updated.

At the end of this new planning period, the equipment will become available again. You can always repeat this operation if the equipment is still delayed at the end of the new expected return date.

Keep in mind that if you extend the planning period for delayed equipment, the availability for this equipment pre planned in future projects may also be affected. 

Mark Equipment and Equipment Groups as Delayed on the App

Since most equipment is handled by crew members on site away from a computer, this feature is also accessible on the app version of Rentman. Follow the similar instructions from above:

  1. Start booking the equipment for the delayed project.
  2. Click on more_vert in the top right of the screen.
  3. Click on Mark equipment groups as delayed
  4. Select an expected return date and time 
  5. Select the equipment groups you want to delay.
  6. Optional: add a remark 


What happens when the equipment is not booked back?
Availability issues for future projects. When an equipment stays on the status of 'On Location', Rentman assumes that equipment is still being used by the venue and therefore unavailable to be booked out to another project. Until it is returned to the appropriate status, it will stay that way
What happens when project status gets changed but equipment is still left behind on location?
Project status is totally separate from equipment status. If the equipment is still on location status while the project status is returned, Rentman will not consider the equipment as returned. The equipment is still on location according to the system and must be manually moved back to the returned status.
What happens if my entire project is delayed, not just a piece of equipment?
Use the shift feature! This feature enables the project planner to shift entire projects to a different time or date while still maintain the times for all functions and equipment. See this Shift article for more


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