In Rentman, financial accuracy is a crucial part of the system that users like yourself heavily rely on. There are instances in Rentman where you may encounter rounding questions that you may want clarified.
Scenario #1
An invoice of $10.91 is split equally into two separate invoices. This will lead you to have two invoices of $5.455 each. However due to the rounding, it will appear as $5.46.
This mean you will see an extra cent on the invoice being charged to the customer causing confusion.
Scenario #2
In a project, a user has priced the equipment as $100.246 which will round visually to $100.25. You plan a total of 100 quantity so user expect it to be 100 quantity x $100.25.
However, even though Rentman shows the equipment priced as rounded, in the backend, it is not rounded. The calculations that is actually happening is 100 quantity x $100.246 = $10,024.60.
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Why does it work this way and can it be fixed?
There is no way to completely fix this. In the backend, Rentman has to choose a place where the rounding will take place. Whether it is at every step of the calculation or at the end, both will have its pros and cons.
In Scenario #1 above, it is not possible to fix it. Either the invoice charges one cent too much or too little.