How can I customize my display in the Warehouse module?

In the warehouse module, users can customize the way equipment is shown during the scanning process. This enables users to decide how they want their equipment to be grouped, sorted and displayed.

Depending on your companies workflows, this can significantly speed up and streamline the way you scan and pack your equipment. 

Where do I customize my display settings? 

  1. You can edit your warehouse display settings by first going to the warehouse  Warehouse Module. 
  2. Select a project you want to edit. 
  3. On the top right side of the screen, select Customize display.
Customize display

What do these options do? 


  • Subproject: If your project has multiple subprojects, you can group the same equipment across all subprojects under one group. 
  • Equipment Group: Group your equipment based on the equipment groups set in your project. 
  • Location in Warehouse: Group your equipment based on your equipment's location in warehouse set in your equipment database. See this article for more information
  • Folder Structure: Group your equipment based on the folder structure set in your equipment database 
  • None: Does not group your equipment at all. Just a list according to the order in your project. 


  • Name: Sorts your equipment alphabetically 
  • Order in Project: Sorts your equipment based on the order in your project 
  • Location in Warehouse: Sort your equipment based on your equipment's location in warehouse set in your equipment database. See this article for more information
  • Folder Structure: Sorts your equipment based on the folder structure set in your equipment database


  • Display virtual combination content only: Will display the contents of the virtual combination only. The name of the virtual  combination will not appear. 
  • Combine equipment: If equipment is listed multiple times in the same warehouse, combine the entries to one equipment line. 





















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