In this article, we explain what are kind of equipment combinations exist at Rentman and how to use them.
Equipment types
Equipment in Rentman can be categorized as physical items or virtual combinations.
- Virtual combination: Because of the flexible nature of virtual combinations, serial numbers cannot be assigned. The contents only can have serial numbers assigned from within the project or warehouse module (via scanning). Because virtual combinations it's can always be changed, there is no history or memory of serial numbers inside a virtual combination.
- Physical combination: A physical combination can be serialized (just like an item). Once a physical combination itself is serialized, you can assign serial numbers to the content of each serialized combination. It's important to note that once a serialized item or physical combination is assigned to one serialized physical combination, it cannot be assigned to another.
- Accessories: Serial numbers can only be assigned to accessories after they've been planned in a project, either through the project or warehouse module, usually via scanning.
- Virtual combination: A virtual combination can be changed once it's planned in a project. When it's planned, the default content is automatically added, but both the price and content can be modified as needed.
- Physical combination: Only the physical combination itself is listed when planned in a project (content can be viewed in the "Details" sidebar). The content items are always the same and cannot be changed on a project basis.
- Accessories: Accessories can be configured to be added automatically or manually when planning the item they are an accessory of. This can help you remember to include certain elements.
- Virtual combination: Because of the virtual nature of virtual combinations, no weight or volume is calculated for the combination itself. The weight/volume of the content will be used in volume/weight calculations for the project.
- Physical combination: The weight and volume of the physical combination itself will be used in calculations. The weight can be automatically calculated based on the contents of the physical combination. The volume can be automatically calculated based on the dimensions of the combination.
- Accessories: Accessories are treated as separate items, so volume/weight is calculated individually for each accessory.
- Virtual combination: The price of a virtual combination can be either a fixed amount or calculated based on its content. This recalculation can be done within the virtual combination itself or within the project. When planned within a project, the price can also be adjusted based on the content. For instance, a Virtual combination could be priced at €100, while the individual content items could amount to €10 + €20 + €80.
- Physical combination: A physical combination has a set price irrespective of its content. The price of a physical combination can be modified within a project.
- Accessories: Accessories can be configured to be offered for free or added with their original price.
Virtual combination: The stock of a virtual combination depends on the content within it. This means that the available combinations are determined by the content of the virtual combination itself.
Example: Contents of Virtual Combination X
Equipment quantity needed for combination Stock Item A 1 10 Item B 3 12 Item C 4 100 In the example above, you can see that I need 3 times equipment B, but the stock is 12. That means I can have a maximum of 4 combinations, due to item B.
Physical combination: The stock of a physical combination can be manually entered or calculated based on the number of serial numbers.
The available stock levels of the content will decrease by the amount assigned as content to the physical combinations.
Example: physical combination X has a current quantity of 5. Contents of physical combination X:
1 × item A → Item A, stock is lowered by 5
3 × item B → Item B, stock is lowered by 15
4 × item C → Item C, stock is lowered by 20 - Accessories: Accessories are treated as separate items, so stock calculations are made individually.
Virtual combination:
The availability of a virtual combination relies on the availability of its rental content. The maximum number of virtual combinations that can be created depends on the available (unreserved) quantities of the contents.
Please note that sales items within virtual combinations are not included in the availability calculations for the combination itself. However, the availability timeline shows the individual calculation of the sales item.
Example: Contents of Virtual Combination X
Equipment quantity needed for combination Available Item A 1 2 Item B 3 12 Item C 4 100 Amount of virtual combinations available = 2
Item A is the limiting item. -
Physical combination:
The availability of a physical combination works exactly like a regular item. The availability calculation doesn't consider the contents because they are already assigned to the physical combination.
Caution! Assigning more items to a physical combination than you have in inventory can lead to permanent shortages.
Example: Physical combination X has a current quantity of 5. Contents of physical combination X:
1 × item A (stock = 3)
3 × item B (stock = 19)
4 × item C (stock = 20)Item A, stock is lowered by 5 → -2 (shortage)
Item B, stock is lowered by 15 → 4
Item C, stock is lowered by 20 → 0 - Accessories:When planned, accessories are treated as separate items, and equipment availability is calculated per accessory.
How to import equipment?
In Rentman you can add your equipment by importing an equipment file. Follow this link to the article, where we walk you through the steps of getting your equipment list into Rentman.