Control the visibility of financial details for different users

Please note that this feature is currently only available when making use of our new license structure. For more information, please visit our blog.

As a company owner or project manager, you do not always want to share all financial information of a project, like purchase prices and margins, with your complete team.  

Example: Your technical warehouse employee gets access to projects, so he can assist in making a technical list of equipment that should be included in a project. However, this employee does not require any financial insights into the margins that you're making on this project. 

Whether a crew member can or can not see financial project details in Rentman can be determined in the settings of the user role connected to this crew member. 

When in the user role is determined that this crew member does not need to have access to the financial data, the following information will be hidden: 

  • Financial charts on the Dashboard
    Examples: revenue charts and open invoices 
  • Financial fields in the Warehouse module
    Examples: Rental price (alternative / additional equipment)
  • Financial fields in the Equipment module
    Examples: Rental-/Sales price and Subrent -/purchase cost 
  • Financial fields in the Contacts module
    Examples: Invoices in the data card and payment tab 
  • Financial fields in the Crew member module
    Example: Rates 
  • Financial fields in the Vehicles module
    Examples; Daily costs and variable costs 
  • Financial fields in the Time registration module
    Examples; Financials field of activities 
  • Financial fields in the Maintenance module
  • Financial fields in the Subrental module
    Example; equipment costs and additional costs 
  • Financial fields and the financial tabs in the Project module
    Examples; prices and margin in the equipment module, and the complete financial tab
  • Financial fields in the Statistics modules

Deny or grant access to see financial details. 

  1. Navigate to the Configuration module > User roles
  2. Click on Edit to open the relevant user role 
  3. Scroll down to “Visibility Finances” and toggle to switch on/off. 


Can power users without the permissions to financial details still make changes to a project?
Yes. Edit-permissions in projects are still intact. For example, equipment and crew can still be planned. The financials of the project will also be updated in the background.
Am I still able to add additional costs when I don’t have access to financial details?
No, currently it is not possible to add any additional costs when you don’t have financial permissions.
Are financial details also hidden from the mobile app?
This is not yet possible.


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