Please note that this feature is not available with Legacy licenses. For more information on how to upgrade your license read this article or contact us.
It could be that you're one of the many Rentman users that begin their projects by creating a design in designated CAD software (CAD - Computer Assisted Design). By making this design, and continuously adjusting it according to your customer’s needs and wishes, an inventory list is made on what equipment is needed in order to make this project or production a success.
Luckily, there is no need to insert this equipment manually into Rentman. You can easily import your equipment into a project. This can save you time and potential errors.
Import equipment into a project
You can import your equipment into a project by following the next steps:
- Open the relevant project
- Navigate to the Equipment tab
- Click on more_vert and select import
- Select if you would like to:
- Import all rows as new items
- Delete previously scheduled equipment and import all rows as new rows - Choose "Next Step"
- Upload your CSV/XLS file, and choose "Next step"
Match the columns from your file with the equipment columns from Rentman: You can choose several columns for this, like: equipment name, equipment code, or an extra input field.
When importing the items, the system checks for the value in the “CAD-code” column of your CSV file, and checks which equipment item in your database has the same value. If a match has been found, that item will be planned.
- Select the column that contains the quantity in your file and choose "Next step"
- The system automatically tries to match the equipment in your import file to the equipment that already exists in your database. You can also manually match an item from your database with a row from the import file. To do this, under the "Equipment to import" column, type the name of your equipment in the database and select the correct item.
You can choose to save the match, so next time, you don’t need to manually match anymore.
In this matching step, you also have the option to add temporary equipment for all non-matched rows. This can be done in bulk for all non-matched rows or for individual rows that don’t have a match yet.
- Import
Depending on the option you have selected in step 3, the equipment in your sheet has now been added to the existing equipment list or has replaced the previously planned equipment.
If the import has (potentially) failed, you will see that now in the import report. You can download the file with the failed rows, and adjust the errors before re-trying.
No: accessories will not be planned.
Equipment will be planned in one equipment group called “Imported equipment”. There is currently no option to specify the equipment group imported equipment should be planned into.
There is no ability to overwrite changes in already planned items. The only possibility is to choose for a complete overwrite, which removes all your existing planned equipment and plans all equipment in your document.