Crew & Transport Management
Introduction to crew planning
Add crew and vehicle resources
Plan crew and transport
Edit and Delete Existing Appointments
Add Recurrent Appointments and Availability in Rentman
Add Appointments
Invite Crew Members to Shifts
Plan Crew Members on Shifts
Crew Schedule Card
Edit & Delete Existing Shifts
Create Shifts
Working with Shifts
Sign up for jobs on the Job board
Invite Crew members and Invitation Types
Custom crew and vehicle lists
See crew planning conflicts
Function groups
Functions - What are they and how to create them
Post jobs on the Job board
Reserve a crew member or vehicle
Crew and vehicles lists
Crew rates and overtime calculation
Options to plan crew and transport
Add crew and transport functions to your project
Plan crew and vehicles on functions
Plan crew from within a project
Send invitations to crew members all at once
Enter and view your crew availability
Include travel time in your crew planning
Final and draft planning - changing visibility of planned functions
Edit and Delete Existing Appointments
Communicate planning
Register worked hours
Rentman Academy