Welcome to the Rentman Changelog - the place where you can read about every update in your Rentman workspace. Your current version is listed in the fold-out menu under your username. Rentman updates are deployed gradually under all accounts. This means it could take a few days before your account is updated to the newest version. 

Check our Public Roadmap to see our feature planning and features we need your feedback on.

License availability
  Equipment Scheduling   Crew Scheduling
  Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)   Equipment Tracking
  Additional warehouse   Quoting and Invoicing


For version 350 an up, please check our new Rentman Changelog.

Our weekly updates

Version 350

  • When adding a serial numbers that already exists for that item, you will receive a warning  Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You will again see all projects in daily/weekly view of My schedule Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • Empty kits look normal when planning other items in project
  • The search function in the warehouse now returns only projects with status confirmed or higher
  • The downgrade message for containers looks better
  • The timeline warning is displayed only if you have 25 or more items selected
  • You can again create documents from the warehouse booking screen
  • The mark all as lost button is only shown if you have the permission to mark items as lost
  • The filter on subrent dropdown will correctly show only on projects where you can filter

Version 349

  • It is now possible to search planned equipment by equipment
    code Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Inspections can now be searched from the quick access menu Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In the warehouse in tiles view, we now display how many subprojects there are on each status Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now generate a list of all lost items on a subproject Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • Items with serial numbers that have been changed to be sale items no longer appear in the serial numbers sub-module
  • When opening the timeline in a new tab in the crew planner, vehicles remain correctly selected
  • The generate document button in a repair is disabled if no equipment has been selected yet
  • The “excess equipment” pop-up when adding a container is only displayed if there is unplanned equipment in the container
  • The x (close) button in pop-ups is again visible
  • The stock of sale items is correctly updated if they are booked back to “to pack” while in a container
  • Variables can again be correctly added to the filename and subject fields of a document template
  • “Preference to scanning” button works again
  • Fixed some translations

Version 348

  • Notes pop-up in warehouse when there are no notes looks better  Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • There is now a “Repairs” tab when editing equipment where you can see the repair history for that item  Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now add files when creating repairs from the warehouse  Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Notes added in the list view of the warehouse module have default visibility for the warehouse enabled  Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • My schedule correctly shows all appointments and projects also when having a lot of them at once in weekly and daily view
  • The sample import file for equipment now matches automatically also on serial number columns
  • Tooltips again appear in the correct position
  • It is easier to drag modules onto empty document templates
  • Remark icons when accepting invitations are correctly shown only when there is a remark
  • The filter “Not paid” for invoices works again correctly
  • No longer possible to book items to containers that are on different subprojects when booking multiple subprojects
  • Can correctly save after bulk editing items in external subrent
  • You can choose which subproject to add a container to when you are booking multiple subprojects and the container has matching equipment to all of them
  • Can again add linked columns to document template modules
  • Can correctly book containers when it contains multiple sale items

Version 347

  • You can now save column sets in the Shortages module Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Planning equipment actions are disabled if they do not make sense based on the active selection (eg. subrenting a comment line) Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • The warning that you are already editing the item in another screen now displays the correct text
  • Opening the details sidebar with more than 25 items selected will no longer warn you about the equipment timeline
  • Archived equipment will no longer be displayed in the structure section of the details sidebar
  • The generate inspection report view has the correct header
  • Assigning serial numbers to a case correctly assigns all selected serials
  • Scanning to add a repair will correctly play a sound
  • Import results feedback shows the correct texts
  • You can bulk mark lost/defect when not filtering on any subrent
  • Found serial number is more visible in dark mode
  • No longer possible to mark subrented items as lost/defect
  • File pop-up closes when selecting a different pop-up
  • The status change pop-up looks better when changing the status of multiple subprojects at once
  • The correct serial number is shown when adding pre-filled containers containing matching equipment to projects
  • Solve shortage works also for potential shortages
  • Crew member avatars again display correctly
  • Can again import QR codes
  • Removed character limit from the text block in equipment labels

Version 346

  • The Done button in the warehouse now has a name that better explain what it does (Change status / Close)  Crew Scheduling Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • You can send planning from the Crew scheduling tab of a project when the last crew member has been removed from the project
  • The subproject options dropdown with a locked subproject sidebar will no longer close when clicking on it
  • Selecting an extra input field group will correctly display the selection
  • You will no longer receive incorrect version update messages
  • Availability is correctly retained when accepting invitations
  • The generate document button in the warehouse booking screen works correctly again
  • The Equipment in filter in daily, calendar, and timeline view of the Projects module works correctly again
  • Made a number of display fixes on containers and their content
  • Fixed a number of translations

Version 345


  • You can now import inspection reports Crew Scheduling Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now show the last inspection date of serial numbers in project documents Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now book multiple subprojects at once in the Warehouse in the browser Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • The warehouse booking screen loads faster and has had some visual improvements Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In the warehouse overview in the cards view, the notes icon is displayed in a different color if there are no notes Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now be notified when a periodic inspection is coming up Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • The setting you choose for the “Including subfolder” option in folders is now remembered Crew Scheduling Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes:
  • The calculated columns in the Projects overview in Day view (Crew needed, Transport needed, etc.) again display correct information
  • Editing availability blocks will no longer influence availability remarks
  • It is no longer possible to drag reservations to a new crew members
  • Double borders have been removed in a number of menus (i.e. shift times)
  • No longer possible to send crew invitations if not included in the license
  • “Book amount” in the Warehouse on the Rentman app works correctly again

Version 344

  • Add a "Last inspected on" column in the serial numbers list Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Added a notification for when you are assigned a repair Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We added the following countries to the countries list when inserting addresses: Monaco, Iraq, Ivory Coast, and Congo Crew Scheduling Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Hovering with the mouse over an internal subrental in the equipment timeline will now say which warehouse the subrented equipment is from Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Add a remark when answering an invitation for availability Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In the financial module, you can now add the "Due date" column for payment reminders Quoting and Invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Hovering over the name of an accessory in the add accessory modal will now show you the full name Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Functions that have a crew/transport or planner remark have an icon in the visual crew planner Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now display each serial number on its own row in document templates Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • When changing license in non-Dutch accounts, the confirmation email will no longer begin in Dutch
  • You can again edit availability also in Day and Week view in My schedule
  • The Delete button in grid toolbars (for example in the Serial Numbers tab of items) is again correctly uppercase
  • In the warehouse, the button to book back serials that were left on location on a different project correctly books them back
  • You can no longer have permissions for invoices if the financial visibility permissions are turned off

Version 343


  • We now display keyboard shortcuts for actions in grid dropdown menus. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We have improved our automatic exporting on Exact Online to hit the Exact Online rate limit less often. We still export a max of 10 invoices per batch, we might increase this depending on results of this improvement. Quoting and Invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • The button to generate payment reminders was visible even if you did not have the permissions to do so (nothing would happen upon click).
  • If you have missed a payment to Rentman the warning banner was not readable in Dark Mode
  • When the content of a note was very wide the edit buttons of a note would be hidden
  • In the warehouse, booking serial numbers when the item was not in the current status view could result in invalid quantities
  • In some rare case serial numbers could not be deleted from equipment items
  • In searchable dropdown menus we now sort properly on name / number instead of a random order

Version 342


  • Easily book a serial number back from location when trying to scan it out on another project.  Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Get a warning when adding a repair for a serial number that already has a repair in an overlapping period. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Hide the transport and planned crew timelines in the card view of the warehouse overview. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Filter your packing lists on rental and sales items, so you can list them separately or create a list of equipment that is still not returned from a project (by filtering the sales items and show equipment still on location). Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Create documents directly from the item general tab of equipment item and inspection item.  Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You are now able to export the full list and their contents of containers. Equipment Tracking
  • You are now able to create documents directly from the item general tab of a container item.  Equipment Tracking

Version 341


  • You are now able to filter on extra input fields in all list views. Crew Scheduling Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Right click menu on projects was not working anymore in the visual crew planner.
  • Generating a document that takes a long time to render (e.g. due to images) would fail if it got a letterhead.
  • Applying a default column set that contains grouping would not apply the grouping when applied.
  • Searching for equipment in the equipment module now works properly with special characters.
  • Sending invoices or quotes with a specific sender would not pass spam tests in all cases.
  • Bulk edit planned crew members would show a validation error for the planning period if you did not active the field.
  • Wrong time was selected for the panning period when you wanted to modify the time of a delayed equipment group.
  • Searching for equipment in the equipment list in projects would not always work consistently.
  • You could change the quantity of a serial number inside a container, that should always have a quantity of 1.

Version 340


  • Invites are now properly sorted in the visual crew planner; first on function, then on status (open, accepted, declined, expired) and alphabetically at last. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Searching for equipment in the project now works properly with special characters.
  • Equipment with multiple inspections would not show properly in the list of to be inspected equipment.
  • Duration fields like the one in time registration would always default to days instead hours.

Version 339


  • You can now see the name of the location in the planning popup in My Schedule. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You are now able to save filter presets in the warehouse overview. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You are able to search for containers by entering or scanning their QR code in the search bar. Equipment Tracking
  • Notifications will now only be kept for 90 days to keep your notification list clean and fast. Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We now show a better message when a trial license has ended and there is leftover data in your account that is best deleted. Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • In crew scheduling tab, no functions were shown if status column was hidden
  • Confirmation modal to exclude subproject from planning displayed twice with locked sidebar
  • Crew member got deselected in the visual crew planner when getting planned on a function
  • Equipment items stock card showed an empty alert box
  • Having an item open that is being deleted by another user did not always was handled well


Version 338


  • You are now able to set a sender email addresses each for sending quotes or invoices. This email address will always be used when sending the respective documents. Quoting and Invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You are now able to create extra input fields for inspections. Equipment TrackingEquipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Inspection reports are now editable in bulk, including extra input fields. Equipment TrackingEquipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We have split the projects 'on location' and 'delayed' in the list view of warehouse overview. Equipment TrackingLegacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • We fixed that long ledger names in Quickbooks ledger assigning does not break the layout anymore
  • Date inputs in bulk edit modals were not properly disabled when field is not selected


Version 337


  • In the warehouse you can now mark all items in a certain status as lost or broken in a single instance. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • The equipment status column and widgets in the warehouse overview now have color coding to show if equipment is left behind (red), in progress (yellow) or done (green). Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You are able to see the amount and the last note as a column in list view of the warehouse overview. You might need to apply the default column set to see it. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • When booking a project in the warehouse, we now remember the status selection when you navigate away and return to the tab. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You are now able to resize the planning of crew and transport in the bottom timeline of the visual crew planner. So you do not need to first find the project in the top timeline to adjust a planning. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We have added the ability to create documents for inspections so you can easily show, print or email proof of inspections. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You are able to directly see the path of the folder of the equipment item without opening the dropdown. Equipment Scheduling Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Kits and cases on documents from Webshop projects were not always shown in correct order
  • Boolean fields in document template where sometimes shown as 0/1 instead of yes/no
  • When inputting a time in 24 hour formatting for accounts in 12 hour format countries it will now automatically calculate the right 12 hour format
  • When a new function was created in the project, the visual crew planner would navigate there for all users that are working the crew planner


Version 336


  • When deleting subprojects the confirmation message now mentions the subproject name you are about to delete. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • When marking equipment lost or defect we now pre-fill the amount of equipment and the total price for that amount (desktop only for now). Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You are now able to create a packing list from list view of the warehouse overview. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In the shortages screen you can now directly navigate to the equipment item from the details sidebar. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We have added a link to the support center in extensions section of the configuration panel. Quoting and Invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Functions are now sorted chronologically in popup when sending invitations. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now directly set a password when creating a crew member. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Adding serial numbers to containers that are in a different stock location will now give a warning. Equipment Tracking
  • Able to add a column showing the QR-code(s) in the container overview. Equipment Tracking


Bug fixes

  • Redundant profits for equipment groups are now hidden in the statistics overview, since there is no costs calculation on equipment group level
  • When adding an equipment item to the project using your mouse, the equipment stayed selected
  • It was possible to add the same container to a project twice, resulting in unexpected behavior


Version 334


  • There is an option added to the equipment module in the document template editor to show both container names and container content on packing lists. Equipment Tracking


Bug fixes

  • In the extension screen in configuration panel there is unexpected behavior when selecting export days for bookkeeping software integrations
  • Dutch accounts only: Sometimes the CoC/KvK company name was not filled in properly
  • Sometimes it was not possible to generate documents if they contained images
  • Clicking cancel did not close create inventory count tab
  • The more actions menu in the blue selection bars above data tables would stay open if you would remove your selection
  • Warehouse module was showing an error when not having Equipment Tracking license
  • The number series setting for container documents was missing in the configuration panel


Version 333 - 334

Bug fixes

  • Two calendars popped up when clicking on time field (Mozilla Firefox)
  • It was possible to plan decimal amount of rental items and cases, this should not be possible
  • Stock was not updated correctly when booking the same sales equipment item multiple times
  • Stock was not updated correctly for sales equipment items when booking them being part of a kit


Version 332


  • In the visual crew planner, planned crew in the same timeframe is now ordered alphabetically. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Pro)
  • When sending documents through email, the details entered in the email popup are now remembered until you close the document tab. So you can now switch tabs to look things up. If you return to the document you will see an indicator that there is still an unsent email. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Comment lines did not show on packing lists that filter equipment on their status (only left to pack, only prepped or on location)
  • The transports and scheduled crew timelines did not always show correctly when opening them in the tile view of the warehouse module


Version 331


  • You are now able to filter the (sub)projects listed in the warehouse overview list view on various properties of the project as well as the subproject self, for example filter on project type or subproject status. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Pro)
  • You are now able to change the contact person in quotation and contract. Quoting and Invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Containers is now launched, more info see update post. Equipment Tracking


Bug fixes

  • When editing a table in document template editor the table toolbar blocked the last row to edit the text there
  • The header text of variable columns in documents was not visible when all values where zero
  • If you canceled a subrent, the equipment reservations where not released, causing you not be able to create new subrents for those shortages
  • Subproject name was not showing when adding equipment after just creating new subproject
  • Selecting function changed the icon color of project leader in timeline planner
  • The subproject popup menu in the project closed after one action, now it stays open unless you change subproject


Version 330


  • In warehouse list overview there is now a new transport widget in the details sidebar to show the vehicles that are planned for that subproject. Equipment Tracking


Bug fixes

  • The warehouse card view was loading slower with lots of projects
  • The QR code in the sidebar of the warehouse list view was not updated when selecting another subproject
  • When adding additional equipment in the warehouse that is not connected to project times, it was always added with factor 1
  • Browser autocomplete (suggestions) were not working anymore for input fields
  • After creating new serial numbers of an item, when assigning the serial numbers in a project you could only select a single serial number
  • A locked main menu was overlapping the equipment availability timeline if that was in fullscreen mode


Version 329


  • Minor performance improvements when adding equipment to projects. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • It is now possible to completely hide the crew members selection pane in the visual crew planner. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Pro)
  • In the visual crew planner you can now use the keyboard shortcut ‘alt+x’ to toggle precise view. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Pro)
  • The dashboard now remembers the dashboard you had selected previously. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • There is now a (non-blocking) notification if people try to book out serial numbers that are not returned on other projects. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • We investigating and implementing some fixes to improve the redundant 'you are working on another tab' problem some users are experiencing
  • An error was shown when you directly deleted a serial number after you created a label document for that serial number
  • Some images on documents where not working anymore after the account was updated to a new version
  • Some appearance settings where not saved if you would refresh directly after changing them
  • When you would have lots amount of crew members the schedule would take quite some time to load
  • Various visual fixes in dark mode
  • It was not possible to edit financial details of planned crew function in project for Rentman Lite


Version 328


  • When creating invites, appointments, or reservations we make sure they are visible in your filters. You might got confused when you were filtering them out upon creation and were therefor not visible. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Crew members can now see their own rates of the activities in activity overview, when they do not have financial permissions but do have permissions to see their own rates for activities. Before that was overruled by the financial permission. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We have updated the link to book a demo for trials. Before for some languages they were dead ends. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We added an easy way of importing equipment into your project when the project equipment list is empty. Equipment Scheduling


Bug fixes

  • Translations for navigation/tabs sometimes did not load properly
  • The crew member remark column in call sheet actually showed the planner remark values
  • Unconfirmed projects were not shown in vehicle module timeline
  • Scan return page made a ‘beep beep’ sound on scanning actions instead of just ‘beep’
  • Changes where not saved when you directly clicked save when editing a field in some occasions
  • Columns visually overlapped when linking equipment in a project request
  • After adding column "Preview finished" to the backups and setting another date-range, the backups table broke
  • You could not overwrite marked availability inside the marked period in the crew planner bottom time line
  • When you had a equipment with a negative amount there was no proper error shown
  • Comma in decimal number was removed after editing the value
  • When you generate a packing slip with the option "only left to pack", and everything of the project is booked, then the names of sets would still remain on the slip
  • Extra warehouse downgrade warning was not shown when activating a license without equipment scheduling


Version 326


  • When you are missing a payment to Rentman we do not display the warning message to non power users anymore. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Improved function ordering and alignment in the crew planner. Crew Scheduling


Bug fixes

  • In user roles edit screen, the star that indicates that the permission is a power users permission the was missing for invoice permissions
  • Booking equipment from "on location" to "Returned" in the app warehouse module, some equipment items moved to "To pack" instead
  • Deleting serial of equipment that moved through multiple statuses added one too much to the project
  • When adding extra day to invitation, calendar now goes back to initial invitation date rather than today
  • ‘Invitation declined’ icon was wrong in the legend of crew planner
  • Fixed a problem when you could not delete tax classes even though they were not used
  • Fixed the incorrect text of the notification when the client of a project was changed
  • The button to 'create function groups' button in time schedule was visible even though you did not have crew scheduling license
  • When activating a specific combination of licenses a warning to about subprojects in planning / financial was incorrectly shown


Version 325


  • When creating a new internal subrent the ‘to stock location’ is automatically filled to a different location instead of the same stock location as the ‘from stock location’. Additional warehouse


Bug fixes

  • You were still able to select a asset location of the type ‘stock location’ on a project, only type `warehouse` stock locations should be possible


Version 324


  • After changing your license you (and the contact person of the account) will now get an email that confirms the new license and the price breakdown of it. This is updated for our new license structure. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In the financial overview in projects the category "Other" is now renamed to "Additional costs" for clarity. Quoting and Invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • The name of notes is now visible in the note widget in the details sidebar of projects module. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Version 323

Bug fixes

  • Subrent document (with kit) did not generate when grouping equipment on folder structure
  • Project name was not visible in planned resource anymore for crew and transport timeline
  • Copy buttons did not work anymore in various places. E.g. contact widgets and calendar sync modal and more
  • Project leaders where not indicated anymore in new crew planner
  • For inventory counts the date was always set to the first moment you created an inventory count; even if you created one later
  • Inventory counts always used the default stock location
  • No error was shown when trying to save internal subrental project containing a sale items


Version 322


  • We have introduced a new customizable list view in warehouse overview. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In the existing card view in the warehouse overview we automatically scroll back to the card you clicked on after closing the booking screen. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In projects with lots of equipment items we improved speed when adding and modifying equipment in a project. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Big performance improvement in the warehouse for projects with large equipment lists. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • The QR codes are not pushed outside of the cards anymore in the card view of the warehouse overview, when the project would have a long name or a long stock location name.
  • Additional conditions set up in project type where not updated in new projects
  • Internal remark was not updated when planning alternative in warehouse
  • It was not possible to do drag/drop actions on functions across multiple projects in the crew planner
  • When enabling the stock location permission in a user role, no value was filled in the dropdown


Version 321


  • API - Added "automatic" field to accessories endpoint. Equipment Scheduling Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Precise view in crew planner was not remembered when changing modules
  • The feature to collapse/expand the sidebar made it possible to break the crew planner grid
  • In the create invoice screen the contact persons were not in alphabetical order
  • Sales items could be added to subrent through planning a kit


Version 319 - 320

Bug fixes

  • When adjusting your license, clicking on the add-on title instead of checkbox did not work
  • Updating stock calculation method via import created invalid stock levels
  • Only one kit was shown in documents for kits inside kits when grouping by folder structure
  • Invoice exports to Exact failed after X amount of invoices because of API limits by Exact
  • Default equipment group warning was not translated


Version 318

Bug fixes

  • New crewplanner did not open planning lane upon planning
  • Some shortcuts in the new crew planner did not work
  • After scheduling an unplanned function delete actions were not instantly visible in new crew planner
  • Styling for visible and invisible planned functions was switched
  • Locking selection was broken in new crew member timeline
  • In subrents the price widget did not work for equipment in left list
  • After accepting invitations, the calendar in My Schedule did not expand
  • Could not save project types with equipment scheduling + crew scheduling pro license
  • Confirming internal subrental did not automatically reserve equipment in connected internal subrent project
  • Subrental's delivery type was not translated
  • User without equipment tracking could create inventory count from equipment list


Version 317


  • Contacts now have localized address fields to be easily used in document templates. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Remove ’S’ rows in DATEV export for invoices that are paid. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Emptying database does not remove stock locations from the example trial data


Version 316


  • You are now able to duplicate equipment items inside a project (shortcut Alt + D). Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • API endpoint enabled to read equipment accessories. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Directly saving an item while edited field is still in focus did not save the changes
  • ‘Availability’ and ‘Display in planner’ fields where not visible in legacy licenses (pro/classic) when creating a new crew member
  • Booking extra equipment in warehouse was not available if user did not have permission to see availability of equipment
  • Deleting a serial that was assigned on a project but not booked out generated invalid quantities
  • Account date format was not respected in crew member data navigation in new crew planner
  • Updating availability in timeline did not overwrite previous color in new crew planner
  • Order of functions types where switched in new crew planner
  • Travel time was shown on the wrong side of function in new planner
  • It was not possible to search for multiple crew members in new crew planner
  • Moving multiple functions at once moved them to same start time instead of keeping same relative time difference
  • Financial currency settings where hidden without quoting & invoicing license
  • Could not save repairs in equipment scheduling pro without equipment tracking license


Version 315


  • You can now quickly navigate to equipment item in all sidebar widgets that contain equipment e.g. in subrents. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now edit and save existing personal text templates, without having to create a new template. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Previous scroll position is now remembered when coming back to the new crew planner. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We have reduce the column width for the daily hour view in the new crew planner. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • In very rare situation dropdown type of custom fields could cause errors
  • When assigning a serial number to an item that is planned twice in a grid, the serial number was assigned for both the equipment lines
  • Could not complete task after closing editing modal
  • Accessories were added in the wrong order when automatic added
  • When having no permission to the tasks module the task widget in the project was cut off
  • History log grid scrolled out of view when selecting an entry


Version 314


  • Get warning when more serial numbers are assigned in project than the amount is planned. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Various stability improvements to prevent outages. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In some views we had to limit the maximum timeframe to 400 days. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
    This applies to:
    • statistics
    • dashboard statistics
    • project calendar, project timeline, and projects per day views
    • history log
    • equipment shortages overview


Bug fixes

  • Some incorrect and confusing properties on kits are not shown anymore in details widget
  • Warning about start time after end time did not go away after having fixed the issue
  • Calendar in the My schedule module did not expand when invitations were collapsed
  • Discount calculation on projects with locked price was incorrect in specific scenario
  • Downgrade actions were shown in expired trial accounts
  • After first assigned SN was scanned back, any SN could be scanned back even if it was not assigned
  • Diskspace add-on was shown twice when changing to new license having extra disk space in old license
  • Diskspace add-on is shown twice when changing to new license having extra disk space in old license


Version 313


  • Be able to add remarks on function groups to show on call sheets or quotes. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • If you enable compact mode, the warehouse booking view is now also more compact. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Exporting from subrental overview with default column set returned error
  • Discount calculation on locked projects was sometimes incorrect
  • Appointments were not created in new crew planner in specific cases
  • Clicking a menu item twice resulted in an error page


Version 312


  • New crew planner is enabled for all accounts, with an option to switch back.  Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Made ‘precise times’ toggle more clear in new crew planner.  Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Clicking on project title does not expand row in new crew planner
  • In the new crew planner, when you have selected a function, but then drag another function (without first selecting it) then the previously selected function was also altered
  • Marking person as unavailable was not directly visible in crew grid in new crew planner)
  • New crew planner showed different project order to old one
  • Some input fields in project details view where overlapping on smaller screen sizes
  • Concept planning dropdown in new crew planner is not hidden anymore in crew scheduling essential license


Version 311


  • Able to create function groups with a single click in the time schedule. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Wrong icons where shown for invitations events in context menu in new crew planner (private beta)
  • Opening crew member timeline was set view to one year in new crew planner (private beta)
  • Sub-expanded state for rows where not remembered in new crew planner (private beta)
  • Tooltips for crew member timeline icons where missing in new crew planner (private beta)
  • Subproject name was invisible after creating the subproject in time schedule add a new time dropdown


Version 310


  • Show functions regardless of project status in crew member & transport timeline. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We now show the amount of hours a crew members is planned in the crew timeline in new crew planner (private beta) Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Technical improvement to reduce Rentman from slowing down over time. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Able to archive stock locations to clean up stock location that are not used anymore. Equipment Tracking


Bug fixes

  • Extra inputfield of type Boolean did not display anything in documents when no (or 0) is selected
  • The 'estimated price' column for subrental statistics was not calculated correctly
  • Equipment indicator was grey in project details view when equipment is supplied from more than one subrent
  • Scanning SN as additional equipment the quantity was multiplied by number of lines the article is planned
  • Ledger delete modal did not open


Version 309


  • Able to see in the warehouse overview if a project still has shortages. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Able to make planning items full cell wide in the new crew planner, to give more overview on higher zoom levels (private beta). Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Creating Appointments in new crew planner timeline don't show till refresh (private beta)
  • New dashboard were only visible after refresh
  • Could not turn storage location back into warehouse without additional warehouse license
  • Demo licenses were visible in read-only mode in pricing activation page


Version 308


  • Able to assign a default equipment group for equipment which can be used to organise your projects in automatic groups. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Added text in invoice sidebar to make clear the total is incl tax. Quoting and Invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • If you are editing same item in two separate screens you cannot change content values anymore. This might prevent losing work. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Travel time is added to new crew planner (private beta). Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Remember selected stock location in the equipment timeline within the same project. Equipment Tracking


Bug fixes

  • Crew member avatar was not accessible via API
  • When quickly switching project tabs, interface of previous project was still shown
  • Zoom level was not saved when switching tabs in new crew planner (private beta)
  • Tooltip for none project related timeframes missed crew member name in tooltip in new crew planner (private beta)
  • Added "print slip" option to crew member timeline of new crew planner (private beta)
  • Name of project that is to be deleted was not shown in timeline and calendar view
  • Tooltip stayed open when expanding rows in the timeline


Version 307


  • If you are editing same item in two separate screens the message is more visible so you do not miss it. This might save double work. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Invites were not highlighted on hover of function in new crew planner (private beta)
  • Discount group was not applied to the added equipment during warehouse booking
  • Accessories were not added in correct order
  • Certain fields of serial numbers where not visible for equipment scheduling pro license


Version 306


  • You can now try out the new "Hiding financial details" feature as a trial! Quoting and Invoicing


Bug fixes

  • The demo status bar did not show up for demo accounts anymore
  • Certain addresses did not load the location in the map until you opened the client
  • The navigation bar did not unfold sub items when the main module was clicked before the menu expanded
  • Functions tooltip showed up for crew members
  • The pop-up to update the factors in a subrent showed up, even when there was no equipment


Version 305


  • You can now create a packing list from inside the warehouse booking screen Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Enter a remark when changing the project status from the warehouse booking screen Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We now show when there’s a scheduled downgrade task in your account with a pop-up and an activation warning Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We also added a warning for scheduled license downgrades in the activation screen
  • The scan return page has received its own tab Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Some columns in the statistics had other values than their counterparts inside projects. We readjusted the values of certain costs columns to correct these. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling
  • You can now choose how you want to display accessories: add them on a new line, or group identical items together. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • The demo status bar was not shown for demo accounts anymore
  • Page breaks did not function properly in version 304
  • Additional equipment was added with factor 1
  • Sales items could not be changed into a case, but rental cases could be changed into sales items
  • The stock location warning when creating a repair from the warehouse was written in Dutch
  • The navigation bar did not return to the correct closed state


Version 304


  • Rentman now shows to which stock location an item is scanned in ‘scan return’ Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Text blocks with empty paragraphs were ignored during document generation

  • It was not possible to save after deleting serial numbers in version 303

  • The new scanning sound did not work consistently

  • The input of booking negative amounts was not prevented


Version 303


  • In configuration > Electronic Invoicing, you can now find options to add or remove certain XML exports to your account. Quoting and Invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • The default deadline time of new tasks changed from midnight to 09:00 am. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Stock was added instead of lowered when book out a sales item within the app
  • Warehouse bookings had loading issues until refreshing the page


Version 302


  • You can now copy and paste crew and transport functions across projects. Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Filter buttons are now lower case instead of all caps. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Unit field on equipment is now available. Equipment Scheduling
  • The "Found" column is now by default in the column grid of the "Lost equipment" module for trial accounts. Equipment Tracking Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We added tier icons for features in trial accounts. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We now show a pop-up about unsaved changes when the license editing procedure is started. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • The search was not applied on view per day when you closed the tab of the project you searched for
  • The Estimated equipment costs did not check the maximum number of shortages in the planning period
  • Items that had each other added as accessoires could not be added automatically.
  • The iInvitation text box was larger than the message container
  • The disabled generate button still responded to space input while generating documents
  • Accepting an invitation from email brought you to a blank page if the function was fully planned
  • Time entries were stuck on the time of last login or server cache clearing
  • Payment method columns did not display information in the financial module


Version 301


  • You can now lock the menu bar by clicking on the lock icon. Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Booking equipment has not only gotten a whole lot quicker, but it’s also become more efficient. Book individual serial numbers by just clicking on the serial number. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • We’ve added new display options on Desktop and Mobile to customize your view: you can now see the content of kits and the option to combine equipment. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Booking returned sale items back to location now creates a correction, instead of adjusting the initial stock movement. Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes

  • Booking serial numbers from returned back to on location generated an error
  • Send again button in the messages module did not send a new e-mail
  • Changing a kit from rental to sales changed the equipment into an 'item' type instead of keeping 'kit' type
  • There was a time zone mismatch that caused an error when typing the date into blank MM/DD/YYYY field
  • The Kamer van Koophandel tool did not fill in the name of the company even though this information was known


Version 300


      • We introduced flexible licenses. Read more about Rentman’s new licenses, add-ons, and prices on our Blog.
      • The time registration dashboard widget received an update, such as formatting improvements and the option to delete times from the overview.



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