Welcome to the Rentman Changelog - the place where you can read about every update in your Rentman workspace. Your current version is listed in the fold-out menu under your username. Rentman updates are deployed gradually under all accounts. This means it could take a few days before your account is updated to the newest version. 

Check our Public Roadmap to see our feature planning and features we need your feedback on.

License availability
  Equipment Scheduling   Crew Scheduling
  Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)   Equipment Tracking
  Additional warehouse   Quoting and Invoicing

For version 300 to 350, please check our other Rentman Changelog.

For version 400 to 450, please check our newest Rentman Changelog.

Our weekly updates

Version 400


  • Introducing a new search function in the variable selector, making it easier than ever to find the right variable in your document templates.Quoting and invoicing

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where text added to document templates disappeared when switching tabs.
  • Resolved the issue of creating an item with a stock of 1 instead of 0 when initially adding a serialized item, providing improved clarity and flexibility in planning.
  • Fixed the issue where power users without "Change schedule" permission were able to plan crew members on projects, aligning the system behavior with the expected result.
  • Resolved the problem in the "Projects" module, where changing a project date would reset the time input to 00:00 instead of preserving the previously entered time.

Version 399


  • Improved the display of subrented equipment, no longer incorrectly labeled as 'Own equipment' in the Warehouse module for users without subrental access.Equipment Tracking

Bug fixes

  • In document templates, when selecting 'Equipment' and clicking on the price in the 'Price' column, you can now choose 'Show as,' 'Number of decimals,' and 'hide zero values.' Previously, these options were inaccessible.

Version 398

  • Users can now match the inspection reports to specific serial numbers when importing.
  • The project schedule now has separate columns for date and time, allowing users to set new times or edit them more quickly with fewer clicks.
  • You now have the option to download a separate UBL.BE XML file.

Bug fixes

  • The bug that prevented users from duplicating serial numbers is resolved now.

Version 397

  • New permission in the “Warehouse module” enables warehouse assignees to view their projects. This update ensures that individuals with these permissions will exclusively see their assigned projects on both the app and web, enhancing clarity.Equipment Tracking

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the app logout problem occurring during offline navigation.
  • Fixed the issue of the "Add Serial Numbers" popup appearing repeatedly in approved Inspection Reports, removing its persistence when accessing reports or switching tabs.
  • Adjusted the new dynamic crew lists to correctly account for the "don’t show in planner" setting, ensuring that crew members and vehicles with this specification are appropriately concealed in the Crew planner.
  • Unreserved items from a deleted subrent no longer appear in the timeline under 'Subrented,' preventing duplicate entries and aligning with expected behaviour.

Version 396

  • Now you can unsync tabs in the ‘Crew planner’ module, enabling custom date ranges and other selections for easy view switching.Crew Scheduling
Bug fixes
  • Typing in left side searches (for instance, equipment planning or crew scheduling) no longer results in lost characters in the search input.
  • Resolved an issue in 'Warehouse' module where collapsing all statuses showed wrong project counts, now corrected. Also improved grid stability for grouping and sorting in warehouse and daily project views.
  • Fixed a bug with internal subrent creation causing "Failed to save items" error and preventing related project setup.

Version 395

  • With this update, we are introducing a touch of magic: new equipment types and the hint of more improvements on the horizon to enhance the flexibility of your assets, making it your equipment's next favorite trick! Discover the details here
Bug fixes
  • You can now track changes, additions and deletions in project history logs that were previously missing.
  • Equipment initially excluded from the planner's view no longer appears in the cross-docking overview, aligning with the intended display.
  • Adjusting quantities within a subrental project now correctly updates the subrented quantity on the equipment details in the main project, ensuring consistent and accurate display.
  • Resolved a bug where adding extra input fields with yes/no values and leaving one on default would result in failed filtering when attempting to display projects with different yes/no configurations.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the first two serial numbers to be inaccurately changed to "1" and "2" during bulk updates and saves, irrespective of the "change serial number prefix" field selection.
  • The folder structure in the ”Contacts” module, when locked as a sidebar, now correctly displays on the left side like in other modules instead of occupying the entire screen.

Version 394

  • Added equipment volume display when hovering over a project in the Crew Planner module, helping with vehicle selection.Crew Scheduling
  • You can now use a new filter in the crew planner module for project types, which helps in better planning.Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue where a notification prevented scanning internally subrented equipment, booked out to a location, and associated with a project.
  • Resolved the bug in Projects module where input values were not accepted for 'Created on' and 'Created by' filters, ensuring the expected ability to input values.
  • The '+Add' button had an issue when attempting to add a contact as a client or location within a project, but this has been resolved.

Version 393

  • Improved app display by using normal case lettering for better visibility and differentiation of various elements throughout the app, ensuring consistent and clear representation.
  • Improved document template with customizable "VAT" labels at the bottom of invoices, offering flexibility for invoices with various tax terminologies.Quoting and invoicing
  • The new crew lists and filters functionality in the 'Crew Planner' module makes crew planning easier by suggesting suitable crew members based on tags, availability, and existing assignments within the project, and enables smooth planning in dual screen mode.Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the bug preventing the deletion of default system ledgers in the Configuration module, enabling the removal of unused ledgers or those not set as default.
  • Multiple crew members now receive only one notification each for an appointment, regardless of the number of crew members added.
  • Fixed the issue in the 'Crew planner' module where selecting 'this week' and then 'period forward' resulted in incorrect date shifting (e.g., Monday to Monday, Tuesday to Tuesday). Now, it properly shifts to the next Monday to Sunday as expected.
  • Enhanced data privacy in the 'My Schedule' module by restricting crew member name visibility to users with proper project planning permissions.
  • Resolved issue in the 'Crew Planner' module where selecting a preset didn't immediately activate corresponding filters. Now, filters are always shown as expected without the need for page reload, while the overview remains correctly filtered.
  • Fixed issue with document generation, ensuring proper display of equipment names without any anomalies.
  • Restricted users can no longer access project financial details via the "invoice" option in the project progress icon.

Version 391

  • In the 'Crew Planner' module, you can now copy specific information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, etc., directly from crew members' overviews, streamlining the process across all grids in Rentman.Crew Scheduling
  • Both payments and partial payments are now available for reading through the open API.
  • Now, an info alert "Container is on project" is available on the serial container content page when it is planned on a project. It conveniently opens the booking screen of the relevant project, displaying its 'number - name' for easy access.Equipment Tracking
  • Updated document templates for Canary Island, replacing VAT with IGIC to align with the specific tax regulations.Quoting and invoicing

Bug fixes 

  • Crew & transport filters are now visible again in the “Crew planner” module.
  • Fixed bug where completing the inventory count resulted in an error after a 30-second wait; count can now be completed successfully as expected.
  • Fixed issue with broken document templates in Hebrew language causing errors during packing slip generation. All modules now work seamlessly with Hebrew and other languages.


Version 390

  • Copying or duplicating Crew and Transport functions now includes carrying over tags for a smoother experience.Crew Scheduling
Bug fixes 
  • Resolved an issue in the ‘Tasks’ module where assigning multiple crew members to a task after switching from all crew members to specific crew members resulted in an error.
  • Fixed an issue in the ‘Configuration’ module where an extra input field with the value type set to "Linked items" wouldn't save on the first attempt when selected in a new project. Now it successfully saves on the initial try.
  • Resolved filtering issue in the ‘Cross-docking’ module for extra input fields of equipment. Now, filtered results are correctly shown.
  • Fixed discount translation bug specifically in Document templates within the sum module settings. Discounts now display correctly, irrespective of the default name settings.

Version 389


  • You can now customize the 'Total Description' for the “Total all” feature in Equipment, Equipment groups, Functions, and Function groups, as well as overwrite categories like 'Total rental equipment' and 'Total crew' in the sum module using free text inputs. Quoting and invoicing
Bug fixes 
  • Fixed a bug that prevented creating projects from the 'My Schedule' module during summer-to-winter and winter-to-summer time transitions. Now you can add projects directly from the module on those days.
  • Total price of optional equipment now displays correctly when using the "Show only kit content" setting, regardless of the presence of kits in the group.
  • Address formatting for clients in the projects have been changed to display all information on a single line, combining street, house number, postcode and city.
  • The issue with filtering on default values of Extra Input Fields in the 'Configuration' module using "is not equal to" has been fixed. Now, fields with the specified value (YYY) are properly excluded from the view as expected.
  • Invoices marked as successfully exported now undergo an actual export to Xero.
  • Resolved an issue regarding email validation when modifying a crew member's email.
  • Fixed interaction with buttons/icons at the top of the screen.
  • The issue of incorrect increases in actual & planned costs when changing travel time in the Crew Scheduling tab within a project has been fixed.

Version 388

  • Improved project visuals in the "Warehouse" module for easy identification of unassigned crew members and faster access to assigned crew members through avatars, tooltips, and simplified selection modals.Equipment Tracking
  • Simplified subproject assignment by displaying only warehouse crew members in the selection list, ensuring a streamlined experience without unnecessary clutter.Equipment Tracking
  • It is now possible to view the history from the “Serial numbers” module with view permissions to access it directly.Equipment Tracking
Bug fixes 
  • Fixed issue where selecting multiple functions in the “Crew planner” module and clicking 'Select planned crew members' would only display crew members for one function, now correctly showing crew members for all selected functions.
  • You now have the ability to disable profile syncing for crew members' global user profiles. Additionally, tooltips for blocked contact details have been optimised for clarity.

Version 387

Bug fixes  

  • Removed the 'Gender' column from selectable options during contact import
  • Resolved issue causing existing subrentals to disappear and equipment shortages to reappear in project overviews when new subrentals were created
  • Fixed bug causing project documents to not appear under "Files" in the details sidebar, ensuring that they are now correctly displayed in the expected location
  • Reintroduced the notification message regarding the inability to modify global profile data and reinstated the option to enable/disable syncing for global users
  • Resolved Xero integration issue causing an error when requesting a large number of invoice payments exceeding the character limit

Version 386


  • It is now possible to see what (sub)project each serialized item is on.Equipment Tracking
  • The process of adding several crew members in rapid succession has now become quicker and more efficient.Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes 

  • The issue regarding the US date format has been resolved.
  • Users who do not have the right to access communications will no longer receive emails by default.
  • .There was a problem with sending documents via email where the BCC was set to clients. This issue has now been resolved.
  • The issue where the search bar was not visible upon clicking the quick access search button has been fixed.

Version 385

Bug fixes 

  • Resolved issue with incorrect date shifting in the Crew planner module. Manually selecting Monday to Sunday and using "period forward" now works as expected.
  • Fixed bug in the Crew planner module causing erratic behaviour when selecting and dragging a group of crew members. Now, dragging crew members works smoothly, ensuring seamless planning.

Version 384


  • Enhanced subproject selection functionality by improving visual indicators and simplifying two-click behaviour when assigning and removing crew members. Equipment Tracking 
  • Improved colour indications for overlapping crew planning and as a result, draft planning no longer conflicts with final planning. Crew Scheduling
  • Improved workflow for adding crew members. You can now effortlessly add crew members via email, allowing them to create their account, set a password, and confirm their addition. The option for SSO login is also available. Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes 

  • Fixed issue causing the equipment overview to display unfiltered results after selecting and deselecting folders, ensuring accurate folder-based equipment filtering.
  • Default storage location, designed exclusively for storage, can no longer be selected in projects despite being unable to deactivate or archive it.
  • "Returning different serial numbers in internal subrents" permission is now properly hidden in the Configuration of the Warehouse module settings for old licences, ensuring visibility only for new licences related to transfers.
  • Exporting sale equipment from the “Sales shortages” module now generates Excel files with the expected equipment data, resolving the problem of empty files.
  • In the “Equipment” tab of a project, the inability to duplicate an empty equipment group has been resolved, allowing the selection of the duplicate option as expected.
  • Crew filters now appear in the Crew Scheduling Pro licence as expected, resolving the problem of their absence unless the Equipment Scheduling Pro licence was added.

Version 383

Bug fixes 
  • Paid invoices are now retrieved from Exact as expected, even when there are no invoices to export, ensuring consistent API checks
  • Resolved an issue that occasionally caused incorrect calculation of PU Seats for some Legacy License users
  • We fixed the hours in Mexican time zones, and now they are displayed accurately
  • Reclassifying kit/ kit content on a document will no longer affect the price sum of the equipment group.

Version 382

  • It is now possible to hide subrented equipment delivered to the location in the packing list. Equipment Tracking (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Added ability to include custom columns, for instance commodity codes and simplified names, in the carnet submission file export.
Bug fixes 
  • The equipment image preview now shows complete, scaled-down full images instead of zoomed-in cutouts.
  • Fixed an issue where recent hourly backups were not visible in your backlog, while older backups remained accessible. All backups are now visible as intended.
  • Resolved an issue where moving cases between warehouses resulted in incorrect or double stock amount being transferred.
  • The issue with adding equipment image before saving the equipment item is resolved and works properly.
  • The stock location of multiple serial numbers can be changed again at the same time.
  • Removing the .png extension from a file name prevented it from being opened on a computer, requiring the file to be opened in a web browser instead. Now it’s fixed.
  • In the “Financial” module, icons for “Sort Ascending” and “Sort Descending” were mixed up. Now it’s fixed.
  • It is possible again to create a document from within “Crew planner” module by clicking on an icon.
  • You can now download QR codes without any issues.

Version 380


  • If projects have multiple stock locations per subproject, all of them are now displayed in the project grid.
  • You can now view all project statuses and update them as needed, regardless of your license type.
  • A filter has been added to the project list to search for projects and equipment stuck in a specific status.
Bug fixes
  • Removed the non-clickable 'Go to project' button that was visible to crew members without editing rights in “Projects” module.
  • “Crew planner” module is visible again on all devices (phones/tablets) on both Apple and Android platforms.

Version 379


  • The text after signing quotation has been updated from "Thank you for signing the quotation. The project has now been confirmed" to "Thank you for signing the quotation".

Bug fixes

  • The last selected items in the "Crew Planner" module were not always displayed in the "Crew and transport" tab. Now it's fixed.
  • Resolved an issue causing confusion by displaying a negative value for the "Current quantity excl. cases" for a kit, which took into account the item in the case included in the kit.

Version 378

Bug fixes

  • There is no longer a problem with VAT appearing incorrectly when creating invoice moments.
  • The option to add a new contact person from the dropdown menu in the projects works properly now.
  • It is again possible to delete a project from the calendar view in the project module and in the timeline.
  • Quotes can again be regenerated without changing the date.

App version 17.0.0


  • You are now able to undo accidental bulk booking actions

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that made the app log out in case of an error

Version 377

  • Improved readability of project names in timeline

Bug fixes

  • The problem that warehouse statuses were displayed in the wrong language has been resolved.

Version 376

Bug fixes
  • Clicking on QR codes will now allow you to download them again.
  • You can reserve a crew member without creating a conflict with planned functions again.
  • The issues with the equipment timeline when having multiple stock locations have been resolved.
  • It is again possible to see the distance and travel time in a project’s location card.
  • There were some issues with subrent statuses and equipment reservations which are now fixed.
  • When serial numbers were assigned, all equipment could not be marked as lost or defective; this is now fixed.

Version 375

  • Power users can now set permissions for other users to create new tags.Equipment SchedulingCrew Scheduling(Lite/Classic/Pro) 
Bug fixes
  • In some cases, the number series value in the Configuration module was not updated properly when creating contacts; this is now fixed.
  • There were some instances where the project statuses were not translated; this has now been resolved.
  • It is now possible to mark all equipment as lost/defective with assigned serial numbers.
  • Once again, equipment can be planned based on a number of days that is not a decimal.
  • The issue that showed the "assignee" of a project's task instead of the "assigned to" is now fixed.

Version 374

  • Equipment planning flow has been optimized.Equipment Tracking
Bug fixes
  • In some cases, content added to kits and cases was not saved, this is now fixed.
  • Adding the customer’s billing address variable to financial documents works properly now.
  • The transport price field for accounts set to miles displayed the wrong label; this has been corrected.
  • The issue with changing the usage period time from within a project is now resolved and works properly.

Version 373

  • You can now bulk-create up to 1000 serial numbers at once.Equipment Tracking
  • Scanning performance is enhanced.Equipment Tracking
Bug fixes
  • Email text templates for containers can now be saved again.
  • Preference to scanning when scanning to containers works properly and no longer scans items in list order.
  • In rare cases, the first column in the warehouse module would be partially hidden, this is now resolved.
  • Personal notes and changes for crew members in the crew planner can be saved again correctly.

Version 372

  • It is now possible to import tags Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • When marking multiple invoices as paid, you can now see the total price of the selected invoices Quoting and invoicing
Bug fixes
  • Duplicating an item now correctly duplicates its image as well
  • Canceled subprojects are no longer pre-selected when generating documents for the main project
  • Merging subprojects no longer results in the crew and transport list not loading correctly
  • Opening the notification about an invoice having been paid online works again correctly also with immutable invoices active
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the saving of projects due to missing crew rates
  • The value of extra input fields is again inherited correctly
  • The keyboard shortcut to restore planning to the function time works again correctly
  • The ability to edit invoices in a user role is correctly marked with a star since it is a poweruser-only function

Version 371

  • You are notified when deleting a project with planned crew Crew Scheduling
  • Improved keyboard navigation in lists Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • Multiple improvements in the project equipment importing flow Equipment Scheduling
Bug fixes
  • “Open kits” button in warehouse opens kits again after they have been closed
  • Columns ‘Total costs’ and ‘Estimated costs’ in Crew & Transport tab display the same values again

Version 369

  • You are notified when deleting a project with planned crew Crew Scheduling
  • Improved keyboard navigation in lists Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • Multiple improvements in the project equipment importing flow Equipment Scheduling
Bug fixes
  • “Open kits” button in warehouse opens kits again after they have been closed
  • Columns ‘Total costs’ and ‘Estimated costs’ in Crew & Transport tab display the same values again

Version 368


  • Conflicts in the planning of crew members are displayed in a clearer way Crew Scheduling
Bug fixes
  • It is again possible to add margins in layout modules in document templates
  • Tax rates of 0% are again displayed in the tax rate column in documents

Version 367

  • Function groups in canceled projects now have a strike-through font in the project crew scheduling / transport planning tabs Crew Scheduling
Bug fixes
  • You can now display in your documents the total price of groups containing only optional items
  • The column “Cost of repair” in equipment statistics works correctly again
  • Fixed the date picker in Firefox and Safari

Version 366

  • Added a column that shows the number of notes for: Invoices, Inspections, Lost equipment, and Repairs Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • You can now set recurring availability Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • Added a new endpoint to the public API: GET/crewrates Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • The tags menu received a make-over: it now filters instantly and with less clicks Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • Crew members are now shown as available when planned on transport functions, so you can assign them to the correct vehicle without blocking their availability Crew Scheduling
Bug fixes
  • The “Remark to crew planner” field is now only visible if you have the permission to plan crew
  • The variable “Outstanding balance” shows the correct value
  • Clicking the name of a folder correctly resets the selection to that folder only

Version 365

  • Functions within a cancelled project are now displayed with a strikethrough text, the same as the equipment Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
Bug fixes
  • Fixed how a number of symbols are displayed in documents
  • Fixed an issue that prevented vehicles from being imported


App version 15.0.01

  • Added the Tasks module to the app
  • Loading of subprojects in the warehouse overview is much faster
  • You can now create new serials in bulk
  • You can now add new QR codes to existing serials in bulk
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a number of bugs

Version 364

  • You can now hide dropdown options you don’t use anymore in your extra input fields Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • Improved the naming of fixed rates Crew Scheduling
  • Added two new calculated fields, “Total price” and “Total costs” to the /projectfunctions and /projectcrew endpoints in the public API Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • Made a number of error messages clearer Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
  • Adjusted the order of the subrental module. The module is now called “Shortages” and the shortages overview is the landing page so you can more quickly see what needs solving Equipment Scheduling
Bug fixes
  • The document text variable for inspection slips works again correctly
  • You can again duplicate subprojects that do not have default times
  • Fixed an issue that made availability disappear after editing it
  • Accounts that do not have access to subrentals will no longer receive project requests
  • Aligned the name of project statuses on all pages
  • Subtracted invoices again display the correct VAT amount in documents when using the “Extended view” setting


Version 361

  • You can now export a carnet application file directly from the equipment tab of a project Equipment Scheduling
  • If an invoice is marked as paid in Xero, the payment status in Rentman is now updated. This now works the same for Xero, Quickbooks and Exact online Quoting and invoicing
  • You can now open the quick access menu with the keyboard shortcut: / Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Dashboard widgets look better Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro) 
Bug fixes
  • The price of kits in option is correctly hidden from documents
  • The equipment status in the project progress icons no longer displays as shortage for projects without dates
  • Creating subrentals that do not fully cover the shortage no longer creates incorrect partial reservations
  • When scanning an item to a container that is on the same status, you now receive a booking successful sound
  • Clarified a few entries on the equipment timeline legend
  • The notification about delayed projects again mentions the correct project status

Version 360

  • The more actions (context) menu has been added to all grids Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now set public email templates as default per document type (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Added the “Solve shortage” feature to the Shortages module Equipment Tracking (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • When visualizing a canceled subproject, you can now unplan all planned crew only for that subproject Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Packing slip generation has been made faster Equipment Tracking (Lite/Classic/Pro)
Bug fixes
  • The price of kits in option is correctly hidden from documents
  • The equipment status in the project progress icons no longer displays as shortage for projects without dates
  • Creating subrentals that do not fully cover the shortage no longer creates incorrect partial reservations
  • When scanning an item to a container that is on the same status, you now receive a booking successful sound
  • Clarified a few entries on the equipment timeline legend
  • The notification about delayed projects again mentions the correct project status

Version 359

  • A tooltip with more information is shown when hovering over availability in the crew planner Crew Scheduling
  • Aligned the display of usage/planning period in the equipment timeline tooltip Equipment Tracking
  • In the sum module on financial documents, the amount over which the VAT is calculated is only shown when there are more than one VAT percentage Quoting and invoicing


Bug fixes
  • Fixed the format of Snelstart exports
  • Can see the project leader also without access to crew planning
  • Made the pop-up that is shown when adding additional equipment clearer when booking multiple subprojects
  • The default value of an extra input field works correctly again when used in a filter
  • Blocked the ability to edit factors for sale items from edit menu
  • Fixed a number of texts

Version 356

  • The quick access menu can now be opened via a button in the top bar Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling
  • You can now enter and track partial payments for your invoices Quoting and invoicing
  • You can now mark multiple invoices as paid at once Quoting and invoicing


Bug fixes
  • Surcharges are again shown correctly in the sum module of documents
  • You now get confirmation that emails will be sent when sending planning to crew members
  • Fixed the “Rentman style 1” theme in document templates
  • The tooltip when hovering the timeline in the Crew Planner now works correctly also at the edge of the screen
  • Fixed some default options in Configuration
  • The permission for “Other invoices” in user roles works again correctly
  • The equipment timeline in subrents updates automatically when adding times
  • The context menu button is positioned better
  • Adding pre-filled containers to projects works better

Version 355

  • You can now see the packing progress of a subproject from the warehouse overview Equipment Tracking
  • We now show the email address of the contact person when emailing documents Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling
  • Changing status from the warehouse overview now works the same in both list and tiles view Equipment Tracking
  • We now indicate where you are booking from and to in the warehouse booking screen Equipment Tracking


Bug fixes
  • Fixed some tasks on specific accounts that did not have an assignee
  • Can again search addresses that contain a letter in the house number
  • Notifications will again be correctly sent when invoice synchronization fails
  • Fixed a number of texts

Version 354

  • The names of crew planning remarks have been made clearer Crew Scheduling (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • Scheduled invoice export is stopped when disconnecting the accounting software
  • Invoices paid via online payment receive the correct payment amount
  • The indicator for changes that require attention in the Crew Planner again display the changes made
  • Splitting off subprojects no longer returns an error

Version 353

  • The total amount of VAT applied per category is now displayed in documents Quoting and invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • Exporting to Quickbooks Online a contact that already exists there will no longer create a duplicate Quoting and invoicing Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • When creating project requests via the API, it is now possible to send equipment ID and contact ID in the body of the request so that they match automatically Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • 3 new notifications for appointments: created, updated, and removed Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • In the equipment timeline we now display usage and planning period of projects differently, to give you more flexibility during planning Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • The equipment timeline will now be displayed and usable also in projects with more than 2000 equipment lines planned, so long as all changes are saved Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You can now create projects directly from the quick availability lookup Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • Paying invoices through Stripe again displays the correct amount
  • Fixed a number of issues with specific document templates

Version 351

  • When copy-pasting or duplicating elements, the newly created elements will now be selected Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • French accounts will no longer see a double currency symbol next to the project discount
  • The sorting of the equipment planning grid works correctly again

Version 350

  • When adding a serial numbers that already exists for that item, you will receive a warning  Equipment Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)
  • You will again see all projects in daily/weekly view of My schedule Equipment Scheduling Crew Scheduling Legacy (Lite/Classic/Pro)


Bug fixes
  • Empty kits look normal when planning other items in project
  • The search function in the warehouse now returns only projects with status confirmed or higher
  • The downgrade message for containers looks better
  • The timeline warning is displayed only if you have 25 or more items selected
  • You can again create documents from the warehouse booking screen
  • The mark all as lost button is only shown if you have the permission to mark items as lost
  • The filter on subrent dropdown will correctly show only on projects where you can filter


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