Equipment tiles
Here you can see basic information about the item, such as:
- The name, the quantity of the item planned (10), the amount that still needs to be booked out (5), assigned serial numbers (123), and more.
- You can view equipment notes or add a new note.
- Click on the More options more_vert button of equipment in the warehouse to view the equipment image (if was added in the Equipment module), split items, or plan alternative items.
View of items and virtual combinations
Virtual combinations will be shown as a single tile that can be expanded or collapsed.
Click expand_more to expand the virtual combination.
You can then book a single item from the virtual combination to another status, or the entire virtual combination.
Equipment Statuses
Click here to view the list of equipment statuses
- Warehouse to prepped: The equipment was in the warehouse and has now been packed.
- Warehouse to location: The equipment was in the warehouse and is now to location.
- Prepped to location: The equipment has been packed and is now loaded.
- Return to warehouse: The equipment came back from location and has returned to the warehouse.
Customize display
Grouping equipment
- By equipment group: Equipment will be grouped by equipment group.
- By warehouse location: Equipment will be grouped per warehouse location as defined for the equipment items themselves.
- By folder structure: Equipment will be grouped by the folder structure as defined for the equipment items themselves.
- Do not group: The equipment will be shown in order of addition and will not be grouped.
- By name: Equipment will be sorted by name.
- By order in project: Equipment will be sorted as defined for the equipment items in the project.
- By equipment code: Equipment will be sorted by code.
- By location in warehouse: Equipment will be sorted per warehouse location, as defined for the equipment items themselves.
- By Folder structure: Equipment will be sorted by the folder structure as defined for the equipment items themselves.
- Virtual combination contents only: Only the items of the virtual combination will be displayed (flatten virtual combinations).
- Combine equipment: Combine the same equipment in the same group into single lines. When combined with smart grouping, makes you only have to walk to certain shelves in your warehouse only once.