Rentman Changelog: Explore the Latest Updates

Welcome to the Rentman Changelog - the place where you can read about every update in your Rentman workspace. Your current version is listed in the fold-out menu under your username. Rentman updates are deployed gradually under all accounts. This means it could take a few days before your account is updated to the newest version. 

Check our Public Roadmap to see our feature planning and features we need your feedback on.

License availability
  Equipment Scheduling   Crew Scheduling
  Legacy (Essential/Standard/Pro)   Equipment Tracking
  Additional warehouse   Quoting and Invoicing

For versions 400 to 450, please check our other Rentman Changelog.

Our weekly updates

Version 459


  • Implemented 2 new notifications to alert when a webhook URL becomes unresponsive due to incorrect setup or endpoint issues, helping to address the situation promptly.
  • The API tokens now expire after 10 years instead of 5 years. This change applies only to newly created tokens, providing longer-term access for your API integrations.
  • Added factor groups from the ‘Configuration’ module and equipment items to the public API.
    Improved warehouse view for better clarity of combinations and their contents.Equipment Tracking
  • Added tooltip to show the number of items booked in and out on "On this day equipment goes out of the warehouse" in the ‘My schedule’ module for better project size and crew planning.Crew Scheduling
  • Streamlined the ‘Crew Planner’ module by reducing the height of function for a cleaner, more efficient layout. Event names are now in regular text (no bold), and times are displayed more intuitively, enhancing the overall visual experience.Crew Scheduling
  • Introducing 3 new columns in the ‘Activities’ submodule: "Registrations Status", "Difference Costs", and "Difference Time". Managers can now instantly spot discrepancies between registered and planned hours, making it easier to adjust project costs and stay on top of crew performance.Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes

  • "Hide equipment from subrents delivered to location" option in Document templates for "Packing list" template did not hide equipment from subrents delivered to location. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed issue where project progress icons were not displaying the correct value.
  • Resolved a bug where hovering over the note icon for availability in the ‘My Schedule’ module did not show the preview box with note and availability information.
  • Fixed a bug with financial widgets in the ‘Dashboard’ module displaying empty data.
  • Fixed issue where strikethrough text in tasks created on the web version did not display in the app.
  • Clicking "Inventory Count" in the ‘Equipment’ module on legacy licenses now opens a new tab and starts a new inventory count as expected.
  • The 'Scan Return' button in the ‘Warehouse’ module now works again.
  • Switching between modules no longer causes “Crew” and “Transport” details to disappear from the ‘Warehouse’ module.
  • Fixed a bug in the ‘Activities’ submodule where the "All Crew Members" view only displayed a partial list and prevented editing. The full list is now visible and editable.

Version 458


  • In the 'Configuration' module, the "Save" button for editing user role permissions now remains fixed at the top for easier access and improved navigation.
  • Added a new "Total stock per stock location" column in the 'Equipment' module to display item stock quantities per stock location.Equipment Scheduling
  • Rentman Recap is back! Take a quick look at your 2024 achievements, including top rentals, the busiest day in your warehouse, and leading account managers, all in one place in your Rentman account.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue in the ‘Warehouse’ module list overview where equipment quantities did not match the displayed items, causing discrepancies in project statuses.
  • Fixed a bug where serial numbers were not released after a project was completed and returned, making them unavailable for reassignment. Serial numbers now become available as expected.
  • The invite modal in the ‘Crew planner’ now remembers the last selected setting instead of defaulting to "Draft planning."
  • Resolved an issue where week numbers were displayed instead of actual dates in the ‘Crew planner’ module.
  • Clicking "Inventory Count" in the ‘Equipment’ module on legacy licenses now opens a new tab and starts a new inventory count as expected.
  • The 'Scan Return' button in the ‘Warehouse’ module now works again.
  • Switching between modules no longer causes “Crew” and “Transport” details to disappear from the ‘Warehouse’ module.
  • Fixed a bug in the ‘Activities’ submodule where the "All Crew Members" view only displayed a partial list and prevented editing. The full list is now visible and editable.

Version 457


  • Introducing the Warehouse Tracking Log, offering full visibility into equipment tracking, including locations, usage, and actions, to enhance inventory management and prevent loss.Equipment Tracking
  • Introducing history logs for equipment and contacts, providing a clear overview of changes made for easier workspace monitoring.Equipment SchedulingCrew Scheduling
  • You can now log lost equipment directly in the 'Lost Equipment' submodule within the 'Maintenance' module.Equipment Tracking
  • When filtering by stock location, it is now possible to select multiple warehouses or storage locations across all modules.Equipment Tracking
  • Without proper permissions, creating packing slips is not possible, and the option is hidden.
  • You can now mark equipment items as not transferring in Transfer projects, with adjustments made to planned quantities and stock movements. Please note, this functionality should be enabled in the ‘User role’ of the ‘Configuration’ module.Equipment Tracking
  • Added an internal reference field to repairs, making it easier to identify and communicate about specific repairs.Equipment Tracking
  • The "usageperiod_start" and "usageperiod_end" fields are now available for subprojects in the API.
  • The "Can contain content" option is now included in the initial equipment creation pop-up, streamlining the process of creating your combinations.Equipment Tracking

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where certain tags couldn't be deleted.

Version 456


  • Introducing the Warehouse Tracking Log, offering full visibility into equipment tracking, including locations, usage, and actions, to enhance inventory management and prevent loss.Equipment Tracking
  • Introducing history logs for equipment and contacts, providing a clear overview of changes made for easier workspace monitoring.Equipment SchedulingCrew Scheduling
  • With the new setting in the 'Configuration' module under 'Time and Location', you can set a 12h or 24h clock format for the entire workspace.
  • Added "Project Type" as an available property in Zapier.
  • Clicking on an invitation response notification now redirects you to the 'Crew Planner' module with preselected parameters based on the notification details.
  • The 'Open Invoices' widget in the 'Dashboards' module now specifies whether amounts are inclusive or exclusive of VAT, updates dynamically when invoices are marked as paid or externally invoiced, and provides correct redirection when clicked.
  • Equipment icons in the 'Warehouse' booking screen are now slightly larger for easier differentiation and improved UI clarity.Equipment Tracking
  • The app now displays the last project a specific serial number was planned on.Equipment Tracking
  • Improved equipment creation flow by including the “Can contain content” option in the equipment creation pop-up.Equipment Scheduling
  • The 'Save' button is now permanently visible at the top of the screen in user role settings, eliminating the need to scroll to save changes.
  • In the Actual Content tab, "Delete" functionality has been updated to "Remove from actual content" for clearer wording.Equipment Tracking
  • Improved feedback and error messages in the 'Warehouse' module for clearer communication.Equipment Tracking
  • The 'Invite' button is now disabled for functions in the past.Crew Scheduling
  • Pages that previously displayed with the wrong font in Safari have now been fixed.
  • The date picker in the calendar on the 'Warehouse' booking screen in the app now starts on Monday.Equipment Tracking
  • Updated the Project's 'Financial' tab with columns, such as "Outstanding Balance" and "Due Date".Quoting and invoicing
  • A reminder option is now available in the menu of invitations in the 'Crew Planner' module, allowing you to send reminders to crew members for previously sent invites.Crew Scheduling
  • Improved the 'Lost Equipment' submodule to directly open the serial number page when double-clicking on a serialized item, eliminating the need to manually search for the serial number. Non-serialized items will still open the equipment page as before.Equipment Tracking
  • The project equipment details now include a "Suppliers" section showing the number of subrented items and suppliers, making it easier to access this information directly.Equipment Scheduling
  • The 'Job Board' now remembers the user's last sorting preference even after leaving the module.Crew Scheduling
  • The default status for manually created inspections is now set to "Pending" instead of "Approved" to avoid confusion.Equipment Tracking
  • You can now open each equipment item directly from the "Structure" widget.Equipment Tracking
  • Added delivery and collection times for subrentals in the 'Warehouse' booking screen, making it easier to track when items are being delivered or available for pickup.Equipment Scheduling
  • When a combination is internally subrented, it is now clearly indicated on the warehouse booking screen.Equipment Tracking
  • Introducing a filter option for the repair list by assignee, allowing crew members to easily track their assigned repair orders and gain better oversight in the 'Repairs' module.Equipment Tracking
  • With this update, the contact person's function is now displayed alongside their name when selecting a client contact in a project.
  • Added a column to display the total amount from cancelled (sub)projects, providing an overview of missed revenue and enabling easier export for analysis.
  • When hovering over codes in the 'Warehouse' booking module, a tooltip now displays the full code for improved readability.Equipment Tracking
  • Now when multiple items are selected and bulk editing is not possible, the edit option is disabled.
  • Added an "Account Manager" filter to show invoices for specific account managers.
  • A warning is now displayed when canceling a project that has equipment already booked out in the warehouse.Equipment Tracking
  • Improved warning message for situations where a serial number is scanned while it is part of a sealed physical combination.Equipment Scheduling
  • Bulk items can now be changed to serialized items when the equipment is booked out.Equipment Tracking
  • Previously, shifts were not displayed in the "Time Registration" widget on the dashboard. This has been fixed.Crew Scheduling
  • You can now manually select a serial number when booking in the 'Warehouse' module.Equipment Tracking
  • Added columns for "Expiry Date of First Reminder," "Expiry Date of Second Reminder," etc., in the 'Invoices' module, allowing users to see when payment reminders were sent and when they expire.
  • Changes made to extra input fields are now reflected in the project's history log.
  • Rentman now pre-selects previously chosen settings when opening the invitation window, making it easier for crew planners to use their preferred settings.Crew Scheduling
  • Easily view scheduled vehicles for the project in the 'Warehouse' module with the new "Scheduled Vehicles" column.
  • A new "Go to Today" button has been added to quickly navigate to today’s date, offering more clarity in the 'Crew planner' module. This helps streamline resource planning and keeps the timeline clear.Crew Scheduling
  • The subproject's name is now displayed alongside the main project's name to reduce confusion in calendars.
  • Titles on 'Configuration' pages are no longer get cut off, leading to more readability and better user experience.
  • The 'Crew Planner' now saves the zoom level, so you no longer need to manually adjust it when returning to the 'Crew Planner'.Crew Scheduling
  • The 'Crew Planner' timeline now automatically switches between crew and vehicles based on the selection made in the 'Crew Planner' grid.Crew Scheduling
  • Now you have even more space to work with the 'Crew planner' in compact mode.Crew Scheduling
  • Fixed the problem were doubling clicking on a button would open the modal twice.
  • Now it is possible to have hyperlinks in Extra Input Fields.
  • Added a filter making it possible to filter your equipment list on items that have stock.Equipment Tracking

Bug fixes

  • The issue with not using the discount set up in a contact’s Payment tab when creating a subrental with that contact is now solved.
  • The issue where the default content of a combinations did not show up when a rental request (via API) was made into a project has been resolved.
  • The issue with CSS removing previously created properties when any change was made is now fixed.
  • The invoice status in the Quick Access menu now works properly again.
  • The problem with combination content settings not being applied, resulting in the content not showing in the documents, has now been resolved.
  • Fixed an issue that in rare circumstances caused the planned quantity of combination content to not be calculated correctly
  • “Save and open new” time registration works properly now.
    It is now possible to book bulk combinations with serialized item inside in the warehouse.

Version 454


  • It is now possible to view file descriptions directly when opening a file, without needing to edit it, both in the app and the web browser.
  • A new functionality has been added to expand or collapse all functions within a (sub)project in the 'Crew Planner' module.Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue preventing serial numbers from being booked within combinations.
  • Resolved an issue where project progress columns displayed text values instead of the expected icons from the project overview.

Version 453


  • Improved clarity for the “Sum module” in document templates by reorganizing the line order to display subtotals, deducted invoices, discounts, and totals in a clear, logical sequence.Quoting and invoicing
  • Enhanced user experience across several modules by renaming "Visibility/ Make visible to crew members" to more intuitive terms like "Final planning" and "Draft planning."Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where saving projects would sometimes time out and display an error message.
  • Fixed missing "Total Volume" field in ‘Data’ tab of equipment overview for accounts with Equipment Scheduling “Standard” and “Pro” licenses.

Version 452


  • You can now use Extra Input Fields for Shifts. Moreover, they will be part of shift details when viewing shifts in the ‘My Schedule’ module.Crew Scheduling
  • Introducing a new user role permission in 'Projects' section that controls whether users can add or remove equipment once it is "Prepped" or "On Location." Editing or removing such equipment is now restricted.Equipment Scheduling
  • It is now possible to create a time registration based on a planned function from the ‘Time Registration’ module.Crew Scheduling
  • Reintroduced the ability to add remarks for all registration types in the 'Time Registration' module.Crew Scheduling
  • Renamed the column title "Stays in combination after emptying" in the ‘Default Content’ tab to "Remove when emptying" for improved clarity and visibility.
  • Added the ability to scan a code and automatically add a serial number to an inspection report.Equipment Tracking
  • It is now possible to access the time registration form directly from the ‘Activities’ module.Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the default payment term was not displayed in the ‘Contacts’ module columns.
  • Corrected tooltip in the ‘Warehouse’ module to accurately reflect when equipment is subrented, instead of always displaying "Only own equipment."
  • Fixed an issue preventing saves on new items if a file upload was still in progress.
  • Fixed an issue where Extra Input Fields for subprojects only appeared when accessed via the 'Crew planner' module, rather than consistently across all modules.
  • Resolved an issue where lengthy contact warnings were truncated by the Google Maps image in the ‘Location’ section of a project.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Scan Return' feature where the project name and number were missing from the returned item overview.

Version 451


  • You can now easily access “Activities” directly from the ‘Time Registration’ page, provided you have the appropriate permissions enabled for your user role.Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the selected CSS from applying properly in document templates. The document template editor now adheres more closely to the stylesheet, so please double-check your CSS settings if you encounter layout issues.
  • Fixed an issue where the default payment term for a contact was not displayed in the "Contacts" module columns.
  • Resolved an issue where scanning multiple unplanned serialized or bulk items in the ‘Warehouse’ module incorrectly set items to "Confirmed" status instead of "Prepped."
  • There was an issue where renaming the "Prepped" warehouse status in the ‘Configuration’ module didn’t update in the "Project Status" column of Projects. This now displays correctly everywhere.
  • The price now updates correctly when editing individual digits in projects, fixing the issue where changes reverted to the old price.
  • Fixed a bug where automatically booking back a combination failed to update the stock location, causing location mismatch errors when editing combinations.
  • Assigning a crew member to a function no longer requires a manual refresh to update their view in the ‘My schedule’ module, as the schedule now updates automatically.
  • Remarks in the "Serial Numbers" tab now display in the selected language.
  • Booking nested combinations to "On Location" incorrectly adds extra equipment, which has been fixed to prevent items from being marked as extras.

Version 450


  • You can now easily collapse and expand the "Extra Input Fields" section for a more streamlined view and improved navigation.
  • Clicking directly on a contact’s email address within a project now automatically opens your default mail app, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  • Reintroduced the ability to create invitations for reservations.Crew Scheduling
  • Visual improvements to the 'Crew Planner' module for a more organized user experience.Crew Scheduling

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where toggling stock calculation methods without saving could result in incorrect stock values for serialized items.
  • Fixed an issue where physical combinations planned with fractional quantities inside virtual combinations were incorrectly calculated in the warehouse.
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