Invoice Reminders

How do they function?

Invoice reminders are generated manually after an invoice is past its due date. Once the due date is past, you can send a first reminder with an extended due date. If the customer still doesn't pay the invoice, you have the option to send them a second/third reminder. 

Like other documents within Rentman, reminders can be customized and edited in the document template editor so each reminder can have different information. Rentman already provides reminder templates that are accessible in your workspace if you won't wish to customize. 

Note: Reminders do not send out automatically once the invoice due date is past. Reminders must be manually generated and sent. 

How do you create an invoice reminder? 

Invoice reminders can be created in monetization_onInvoice module,. 

  1. Go to monetization_on Financial > Invoices
  2. Select mceclip0.png  the invoice of your choice
  3. Select more_vert or right click the invoice
  4. Select Payment reminder  
  5. Select reminder document template and letterhead
  6. Scroll down and enter a due date (optional)
  7. Generate
Click here for a video visualization.
Invoice reminder.gif

Alternatively, invoice reminders can also be created within an invoice. 

  1. Go to monetization_on Financial > Invoices 
  2. Select and preview the invoice of your choice
  3. In the document preview, on the right side menu, besides invoice details
  4. Select Create payment reminders print


How do I keep track of my reminders? 

In Rentman, you may be keeping track of multiple invoices and their reminders. The best way oversee this is to add columns

  1. Go to monetization_on Financial > Invoices 
  2. Hover your mouse over a column and select more_vert More actions
  3. Select Edit columns
  4. Search for the columns of Number of reminders sent and Date of last reminder created 



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