After creating a subrent, you can send a subrental request digitally from one Rentman account to another. This function saves you and your supplier a lot of time, because you don't have to call or send a subrent slip.


Subrental requests

With subrents you can solve equipment shortages or rent specific equipment for a project from your suppliers. Subrental requests can be created in the swap_horizontal_circle Shortages module or directly in the project. These subrents can be requested in two different ways:

  1. Request subrent manually: Contact your supplier by e-mail, phone...  (supplier doesn’t need a Rentman account)
  2. Request subrent digitally: Send subrental request to another rentman account (supplier needs Rentman account)

In this article, we explain how to send and receive subrental requests digitally in Rentman. To process subrental requests manually, contact your supplier outside of Rentman.

Why use digital subrental requests?

Digital subrental requests save a lot of time compared to manually contacting your supplier. You can send all the information by Rentman and your supplier can create a project in a couple of steps. This saves time for both and enhances productivity.

Send a request digitally

  1. Create a subrent order with equipment, times and the supplier.
  2. Go to the Send to Rentman user tab.
  3. Enter the Rentman account name of your supplier and click on enter.

    Example: Your supplier is called "p-events" with a Rentman account "". In this case, you can either fill in "pevents" or "".
  4. To send the subrental request, click  Send

"Done" is shown when the subrental request is successfully sent.

Receive a subrental request

A subrental request will be received in the form of a project request.

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