You can add or edit your contacts in the contact_phone Contacts module. There are two types of contacts you can add: a private individual or a company. You can also add a contact person to a contact. These are people that are affiliated with your contact. For example, a specific person who should receive the invoice, or other people in the same company that you also need to communicate with. You can add them in the Contact persons tab of your contact.

In this article, we explain how to add or edit contacts and contact persons. Additionally, we explain all tabs in the contact_phone Contacts module.

If you want to quickly add all of your contacts at once, importing your contact list is a better option.


Add a contact

  1. Go to the contact_phone Contacts module and choose + Add contact
  2. Type the company name either in this field  Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 14.48.20.png  or in this one Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 14.49.07.png
  3. Select the company and click on Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 14.50.14.png
  4. Save.
Check out the video here for visual presentation.
add contact fir support center.gif

Or add this information manually by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the contact_phone Contacts module and choose + Add contact
  2. In the Type field, choose "Company" or "Private individual".
  3. Fill in the information in the Data tab, Contact persons tab and Payment tab manually. All options are covered further down in this article.

Edit a contact

  1. In the contact_phone Contacts module, double-click an existing contact to edit it.

Add a contact person

Contact persons are other people that are affiliated with your contact, and they can have their own unique contact information.

For example: A specific person (other than your main contact) who should receive the invoice, or other people in the same company that you also need to communicate with.

  1. When adding or editing a contact, go to the Contact persons tab.
  2. Choose + Add contact person
  3. Fill in the information of your Contact person, and Confirm your changes.
  4. (optional) Click bookmark Make default to make this your "Default contact person" and/or "Administrative contact person". A default contact person is the contact person automatically added if you choose this client for a project or subrental.

Administrative contact persons

Quoting and Invoicing

If an administrative contact is assigned, this person/address will be automatically selected as the recipient when sending an invoice (e.g. If not, the default contact person will be used.

Data tab

  • Type - Choose "Private individual" or "Company".
  • Folder - Choose the folder where this contact should be stored.
    If you want to create a new folder, read our article about creating your folder structure.
  • Database number - The unique database number of your contact is for your internal reference and own accounting. The number is tied to your documents. If you leave this field empty, Rentman will automatically generate a database number.

Visiting, mailing and billing address

If the contact is a large company, it could have different addresses for their location, offices, and accounting department. You can add three different addresses to your contact: the visiting, mailing and billing address.

  • The visiting address is used by Rentman to calculate the distance and travel time from your location. In this section, you have the Distance / Travel time field.
    Remember to click on refresh to calculate Distance and Travel time. If you don't, these will not be taken into account when you add a contact in a project.
  • The mailing address is displayed by default in your quotations and contracts. You can change this by editing your document templates.
  • The billing address is displayed by default in your invoices. You can change this by editing your document templates.


  • Warning - This warning message is shown when this contact is selected in a project.
  • Subject automatic project note - The subject of the automatic project note (see below).
  • Automatic project note - This remark is automatically added to projects when this contact is selected as client or location.

Payment tab

Quoting and Invoicing

Payment information

  • Invoice moment - Choose the invoice moment for this contact. You can create your own invoice moments in the settings Configuration module > Financial > Invoice moments.
    Note: Choosing an invoice moment for a contact will override the invoice moment of the project, if the contact is selected as client.
  • Payment term - Choose the payment term for this contact. You can create your own payment terms in the settings Configuration module > Financial > Payment terms.
    Note: Choosing a payment term for a contact will override the payment term of the project, if the contact is selected as client.
  • VAT scheme - Choose the VAT scheme for this contact. Read our article about taxation (VAT) for more information.
    Note: Choosing a VAT scheme for a contact will override the VAT scheme of the project, if the contact is selected as client.
  • Contact specific insurance percentage - If you select "Yes", you can fill in the insurance percentage for this contact.

Discount groups

Choose the discount percentage for your rental and sale equipment. You can create your own discount groups in the settings Configuration module.

Group your contacts

You can use tags to give a specific label to a contact. To group a number of contacts, simply assign the same tag to them. It's not possible to group your contacts by using the folder structure, because it's only designed to store your contacts in the Rentman database.

If a contact is both customer and supplier, give them a tag called customer and a tag called supplier.

Bulk edit

By selecting all desired contacts in the contact_phone Contacts module, you can edit their properties at once. This can save a lot of time when you want to change the same value(s) for a group of contacts.

You can also bulk edit your contacts by exporting, updating and importing the contacts again.

  1. Go to the contact_phone Contacts module
  2. Select 234.png the desired contacts.
  3. Click edit Edit.
  4. Select the fields you want to edit in the various sections, and change the values.


Can I move a contact person to a different contact? (for example, somebody who works for two different companies)
No, this is not possible. Instead, you may add the same contact person to both contacts.
How do I add a contact (location) with multiple stages, areas or rooms and their own unique contact persons?
Currently, it's not possible to create a contact with subcategories for multiple stages, areas or rooms. You may simply create a new contact and add your information and contact persons there. For example, a contact named Tivoli Utrecht (Stage A) and a contact named Tivoli Utrecht (Stage B).
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