Templates for emails and personal texts

You can save time by creating templates for emails and personal texts. When sending a document to a client, you can quickly select one of your templates and make minor adjustments to the message if needed.

Each document type has its own email template and personal text template. This means that you must create them for each document type separately (quotation, invoice, packing slip, etc).


Email templates

You can create templates for emails that you send to clients.

  1. When creating a document, click the Email email button 
  2. Type your message in the Message field.
  3. Click Apply template expand_more and select "Save as template".
  4. Enter a name for your template, and choose for whom it should be visible.
  5. Save  your template.

Choose an email template

When typing your text, select a template from the dropdown box.

Personal text templates

You can also create templates for personal texts that you add to documents.

  1. When creating a document, type your personal text in the Document text field. 
  2. Click Apply template expand_more and select "Save as template".
  3. Enter a name for your template, and choose for whom it should be visible.
  4. Save  your template.

Choose a text template

When typing your text, select a template from the dropdown box.


I saved my template but I don't see it anywhere.
Make sure you select the right document type. If you created an email Message template or Document text template for a quotation, it will not appear when you are creating an invoice or packing slip. Each document type has its own templates.
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