You can set the crew and transport planning as draft or final for crew members. The draft planning is useful when you are still editing the planning and don't want your crew member(s) to see it yet. Once you are done, you can set the planning to final and make it visible for your crew members to see.
Final (visible) planning means the function will be shown in the personal calendar of your crew member.
Draft (invisible) planning means the function will not be shown in their calendar.
Default plan status (visibility)
You can make every newly added function draft or final planning by default.
This setting is only applied to new functions that you add. The plan status of functions already in the planning will not change.
In a project
- Go to the Crew scheduling tab.
- Choose the default plan status from the crew members' side menu.
In the account_circle Crew planner module
- Click on a function.
- In the availability timeline, choose the default visibility.
Cannot see the availability timeline?If you do not see the availability timeline, you can drag it open.
Change a function's planning
You can also change a single function's planning and visibility.
In a project
- Go to the Crew scheduling tab.
- Select a crew member planned under a function.
- Click the More options more_vert button, and choose "Switch visibility for crew member".
In the account_circle Crew planner module
- Right-click on a crew function (to switch visibility for all crew planned on that function) or a planned crew member (to switch visibility for just one crew member).
- Click on Finalize planning (for all crew planned on that function) or Switch between concept/final planning (for one crew member.)
Note: In the availability timeline, you can check out how many hours are scheduled in final (visibly) or draft planning (invisibly) for a crew member or vehicle.
The color of a planned crew member or function in the account_circle Crew planner module indicates visibility.
- Green function: visible for all crew members planned on a function.
- Yellow function: invisible for one or more crew members planned on a function.
- Blue crew: crew member can see that he is planned on a function.
- White and blue crew: crew member can NOT see that he is planned on a function.