How do I add a (sub)project's QR code to my document?

You can customize your document templates and add a (sub)project's QR code to your documents, including packing slips, call sheets, carnets, etc. 

To add a (sub)project's QR code to your document:

  1. Open the document template editor (Configuration > document templates > double-click on the relevant document).
  2. Click on Screenshot
  3. Drag a Text block into your document and drop it where you want the QR code displayed.
  4. Hover your mouse cursor over the Text block in your template and click edit edit.
  5. Select "Source code" in the toolbar. Screenshot
  6. Copy and paste the following code into the "Source code" pop-up that appears.
        <div><img src="{$f.project.public_id}:subproject_{$sp.public_id}&chld=H%7C0" width="90" height="90" /></div>
  7. Click on OK
  8. Save
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