How do I move equipment between subprojects?

In some occasions, it may be useful to move an equipment group from one subproject to another.

  1. In a project, to the right of the name, click the blue text subprojects expand_more to show subprojects.
  2. Click on your subproject.
  3. Go to the Equipment tab.Screenshot
  4. Select an equipment group.
  5. Click the More actions button more_vertand choose Move to subproject.Screenshot
  6. Choose the subproject this equipment group should be moved to.Screenshot

If you want to keep your equipment group in the original subproject as well, you can duplicate the equipment group first. Then, you can move this duplicate to another subproject.

You cannot move separate equipment items to another subproject. Instead, you can place an item in an equipment group and then move the equipment group to another subproject.

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