By connecting Quickbooks Online to Rentman, you can let Rentman automatically export your invoices to Quickbooks. This saves effort, and is faster than exporting to an Excel-file from within the Invoices module.
You can only connect Rentman to Quickbooks Online, not to Quickbooks Desktop.
Contacts are always imported as new contacts in Quickbooks. Contacts with the same name are added with the Rentman contact number between brackets after the name to Quickbooks.
What data is exported?
Read our article about managing ledgers in Rentman.
Note: Only ledgers are exported to Quickbooks. So in the invoices exported to Quickbooks you will not find every piece of equipment or function you planned.
Invoice information
Invoices contain all financial information that you add in Rentman, and which is necessary for a complete overview and correct functioning in your accounting software. This includes VAT-rates, payment terms, invoice moments and invoice numbers.
Information of relevant contacts
The information of relevant contacts for your invoice is also exported. This includes, for example, the company name, contact persons and contact number.
Contacts in Rentman cannot be matched with contacts already entered into Quickbooks. Contacts with the same name are added with the Rentman contact number between brackets after the name to Quickbooks.
Warning: Project information cannot be automatically exported to Quickbooks. This means that information such as the project name, project number, costs of a project and other project information can't be sent to Quickbooks automatically. This is, however, possible when manually exporting invoices from within the Invoices module.
Create Products & Services in Quickbooks
To export the ledgers of your Rentman invoices, you have to connect them to the Products & Services in Quickbooks. To create products and service in Quickbooks:
- Go to the Invoicing module.
- Select the Product and Services tab.
- Click on 'New' on the top-right corner to add a product.
We suggest creating a product for every ledger we export: rental, sale, crew, transport, insurance, other, and predefined.
Connect Quickbooks
To connect Quickbooks, you must first fill in your Quickbooks account details from within Rentman. Afterwards, you must configure your settings for automatic exporting.
- Go to the settings Configuration module > Account > Extensions.
- Under External extensions, go to Quickbooks and click on the connect button.
Make sure your browser allows pop-ups. - Log in with your account details in the pop-up.
- After logging in, you can proceed with setting up automatic exporting.
Setting up
- Go to the settings Configuration module > Account > Extensions.
- For the option Export automatically, choose one of the following:
If you choose Start manually, you must click on the Start export button to send your new invoices to Quickbooks. Note: when there aren't any new invoices, this button is not available.
If you choose On the following day(s), Rentman can automatically send new invoices to Quickbooks. You select all days that this should happen on. New invoices are always exported at 02:00 AM, on the days you choose here. - Next, you must match your ledgers, VAT rates and Accounting software journal in Rentman to those in Quickbooks. Click on one of the buttons to do so. This is necessary, because their names may be slightly different.
- Save your changes when you've matched all fields.
If you can't click Save , the fields were probably not correctly matched. Try this step again.
You can view the status of your invoices in the subfolder Invoices from the monetization_on Financial module (see the section below).
View the status of your invoices
When your invoices have been exported to Quickbooks, you can check in Rentman whether this was done correctly. You do this as follows:
- Go to the subfolder Invoices from the monetization_on Financial module.
- Add the column "Export status" to the overview.
Read how to add a column here. - In this newly added column, you can see the status of your invoices.
Update the payment status of your invoices
Invoices that are marked as paid in Quickbooks Online will automatically have their payment updated in Rentman. How it works:
- Receive your payment in Quickbooks Online. The payment status of your invoice in QuickBooks Online should be marked as paid.
- Your invoice will now automatically be marked as paid in Rentman.
Please note that this information will be updated in Rentman the next time invoices are exported from your Rentman account to Quickbooks Online.
This feature is only available with Rentman’s Quoting and Invoicing add-on. You will need to have an active connection between Rentman and Quickbooks Online.
Solving problems
My invoice was exported, but doesn't show up in Quickbooks.
It can occur that an invoice could not be exported to your accounting software. In some cases, we can determine why this happens. You can check this as follows:
- Go to the subfolder Invoices from the monetization_on Financial module.
- Add the column "Export remark" to the overview.
Read how to add a column here. - In this newly added column, you can see the status of your invoices.
Unfortunately, we cannot always determine a clear cause for exported invoices that don't show up in Quickbooks. See below for a list of known errors when generating invoices.
Known errors
- There is no client added to the invoice