Create equipment - Basic setup

You can add and edit your equipment in the category Equipment module. In Rentman, you can create different equipment types, such as a physical item, physical combination and virtual combination.

Read our article about different equipment combinations for more information.

Your equipment has various tabs that contain important information to configure. In the Data tab, you supply basic information about your equipment, along with QR codes. In the other tabs, you can configure serial numbers, content, accessories, alternatives, suppliers, periodic inspections, and webshop.

In this article, we explain how to add your equipment and the basic information for setting up your equipment in the category Equipment module.

If you want to add all of your equipment at once, you can import your equipment instead. This allows you to upload an Excel (.xlsx) or .csv file that contains a list of all your equipment. You can create this file yourself, or you can use our import template.

Video tutorial

Here is a video tutorial you can watch to learn how to create equipment. In this video tutorial, we go over the basic equipment setup in Rentman.

Add your equipment

    1. Go to the category Equipment module and click  + Add Equipment
    2. Fill in or configure the essential equipment data in this view. They are covered further down in this article.
    3. Save  
    4. If applicable, fill out the more advanced setup

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You can easily add equipment via this pop-up window, in which you only have to insert the "essential data" of your equipment item. To add equipment consecutively, just tick the "Create another one" box at the bottom left. This will prompt the pop-up window to reappear after saving the previous entry, allowing you to effortlessly add more equipment items.

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Essential equipment data


  • Name - Name of the equipment item in the database.
  • Properties -  
    • Physical/Virtual - Select your equipment type. Physical equipment is a real item that can optionally have content. A virtual combination is a combination of separate items, and its stock is calculated based on the content of the combination.
    • Rental/Sales -Select if this is a sales or rental item.
    • The equipment can have content - Select if your equipment includes content. 

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Financial - Rental item:

  • Rental price
    Quoting and Invoicing
    - The price of your rental item, excl. VAT.   
  • List price
    Quoting and Invoicing
    - The initial purchase price of the rental item at the moment it was initially purchased. This price, together with the depreciation per month, is used to calculate the current book value of your rental items. 

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Financial - Sale item:  

  • Sale price
    Quoting and Invoicing
    - The price of your sale item excl. VAT.
  • Purchase price
    Quoting and Invoicing
    - The price of the sale item at the moment of purchase. 

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Stock - Rental item: 

  • Stock calculation method- Select if you would like to calculate stock based on bulk or based on the amount of active serial numbers. Read this article for more information about how to change stock calculation method.
  • Quantity - The amount of non-serialized items.
  • Stock location
    Equipment Scheduling Pro
    - Assign your equipment to a stock location to know where it's located and track your equipment easily. There are two types of stock locations: storage locations and warehouses.

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Stock - Sale item: 

  • Stock management - configure if you want to keep track of stock or not.
  • (if yes) Quantity - the number of items.
  • Stock location
    Equipment Scheduling Pro
    - assign your equipment to a stock location to know where it's located and track your equipment easily. There are two types of stock locations: storage locations and warehouses.

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Read our article about the advanced setup to create equipment for more information.

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