In the Crew scheduling and Transport planning tabs of your project, you plan your crew members and vehicles on crew and transport functions. These tabs provide you with an overview of which functions need to be planned, which crew members are available and who is already planned on a function. From the Crew scheduling and Transport planning tabs you can invite crew members for functions and directly send them the planning.
Planned functions
In the Crew scheduling tab, you have an overview of all the project's crew functions. In the Transport planning tab, you have an overview of all the project's transport functions. You plan functions on a project in the Crew and transport tab. A function is only displayed in the Crew scheduling or Transport planning tabs when times are connected to the function. All functions with connected times are then displayed in chronological order.
Choosing function groups
By default, you see all the functions planned on your project. In the Crew and transport tab of your project, you can group functions by function groups. In both the Crew scheduling and Transport planning tabs, you can filter on these function groups, so you will only see the functions that belong to the selected function group. You select function groups via the drop-down menu where "All function groups" is selected by default.
Functions without linked times
Functions not linked to times in the Crew and transport tab will not be displayed in the Crew scheduling and Transport planning tabs. To see a function in one of these tabs, you first need to link times to the function. Functions without times can be planned in the more comprehensive account_circle Crew planner module.
Crew members and vehicle
In the tab Crew scheduling you can see your crew members for function planning. In the tab Transport planning you can see the vehicles for function planning.
Availability of crew members
When planning your crew on a function you can always keep track of the crew availability. When you select a function, the crew members will be highlighted in different colors to show their availability:
No color: Availability unknown
Green: Available: Crew member can be planned on the function.
Red: Not available: Crew member cannot be planned on the function.
: Invited: Crew member was invited for function or availability was requested - Has not replied yet.
Dark green
: Reserved: Crew member is informed he/she will work in the selected period, but he/she doesn't have information about the project (note: reserving crew members is only possible in the account_circle Crew planner module).
You will find more precise information on the timeline. You can open and close the timeline by clicking on a function group or planned crew member/vehicle and selecting the watch_later Open timeline.
Plan a single crew member and vehicle on functions
- Go to either the Crew scheduling or Transport planning tab.
- Click on the function you want to plan a crew member or vehicle on.
- Double click on a crew member you want to plan on the function.
- Now the crew member is planned on the function and the function will be displayed as complete.
- Go to either the Crew scheduling or Transport planning tab.
- Click on the function you want to plan crew members or vehicles on.
- Select all crew members or vehicles you want to plan on the function by checking their checkboxes.
- Click on "Add" at the top of the table to plan the selected crew members or vehicles on the function.
You can also plan crew members on a function using invitations.
Visible and invisible planning
You can make crew and transport functions visible or invisible to crew members. This is useful when you are still editing the planning, and don't want your crew member(s) to see it yet.
- When a function is visibly planned, the function will be shown in the personal calendar of the crew member.
- When a function is invisibly planned, the function will not be shown in the calendar of the crew member.
Communicating the planning
In the Crew scheduling tab you can communicate the planning to crew members. The crew members planned on a function will receive a personal email with the specifications of the functions they are planned on.
Set the planning for your crew without changing the price
After setting a time schedule on the quotation, you might want to set the planning for your crew (e.g. make sure your crew arrives half an hour before the function) without changing the price for your client. You can do this both for a crew member, for a single function, or for a whole function group.
Note: Setting a different planning period will affect your total costs (the wages for your crew) but not the total price (what you show to your client).
Crew member
- Go to the Crew scheduling tab.
- Double-click on the name of the planned crew member.
- Adjust the times in the Planning period fields.
- Click Save
Single function
- Go to the Crew and transport tab of the project.
- Click on a function and select edit Edit
- Go to the Time schedule section and edit the times.
- Save
- Apply the new planning period to all planned crew and transport - the planning period for crew members and vehicles will change.
- Keep the planning period of all planned crew and transport - the planning period for crew members and vehicles will stay the same.
- Remove all planned crew and transport - the vehicles and crew members will no longer be planned on this function.
Click Confirm to complete the changes. You can now communicate the updated planning period to your crew.
Function group
- Go to the Crew and transport tab of the project.
- Double-click on the function group you want to edit.
- Edit the planning period.
- Click Save
- Keep planning period
- Edit planning period
- Delete crew members
- Make a choice per function - choose what you would like to do with the times per function in the function group.
Click Confirm to complete the changes. You can now communicate the updated planning period to your crew.
Edit the planning and change the price
You can also modify the planning adjusting the price for your client. This can only be done for a function group, not for a single function.
- Go to the Crew and transport tab of the project.
- Double-click on the function group you want to edit.
- Edit the usage period.
- Edit the times, click Apply and then Save
- Keep planning period
- Edit planning period
- Delete crew members
- Make a choice per function
Click Save to complete the changes. You can now communicate the updated planning period to your crew.
Salary rates
Apply a rate
When you add a member to your crew, you can configure a default salary rate.
But when you plan the crew member on a function, you can apply a different rate than the Default rate.
- In the Crew scheduling tab of your project, double-click on your crew member.
- Under Crew member rate, select the rate to apply.