I can't login to Rentman

Your whole Rentman experience always starts with login. Issues with logging in will be discussed in this article.

What to do in case of a Rentman outage

Rentman is almost always available, but in extremely rare cases, it could be that you are seeing an outage to one of our services. These would be the steps to follow, in such a rare instance:

  1. Check whether you can connect via another account or another work station (another PC or your phone, for example). As a rule of thumb: If you are having log-in issues but someone else in your business can work normally, the issue is not related to Rentman itself. The general log-in troubleshooting below, might be of assistance. 
  2. Check the status of our servers here. If the status page shows an outage, simply waiting a few minutes should be enough. A listed outage means we are aware of the issue and are working on it. 
  3. In case the status page shows all green, but you suspect an outage, please reach out to ensure we are made aware. 

General Log-in Troubleshooting steps

There are a few general troubleshooting steps you can take to solve your login issues. These steps are designed to address common issues and often resolve problems without external assistance.

Have you set up your profile in Rentman?

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up your Rentman profile.

Are you using the correct URL?

When log in to Rentman, it is important to first navigate to the right login-URL. There are two types of URLs, namely the regular login that leads you to a specific workspace or the profile login that guides you to an overview of all your connected workspaces. 

Regular login - Specific workspace 

Your workspace name looks like this when you have a regular login: example.rentmanapp.com. Here you can log in with your username + password. 

Read more about what happens if you create a global profile.

Global profile login - Multiple workspaces 

When you have a global profile, your workspace name is not shown in the URL, so you should go to: rentmanapp.com. Here you can log in with your email address + password. 

Read more about logging in to your Rentman global profile and workspaces.

Did you forget your password?

Forgetting passwords is always part of life, and it can happen to everyone. Here's how you can reset or change your password.

Have you connected the wrong email address (global profile) to your crew member?

Here's how you can connect the right email address to a crew member.

Are you unable to change the email address of your login or your crew member's login?

When a user is linked to a global profile, you can not change the email address of this user's login from within the workspace. However, the crew members themselves can change their email addresses from their profile's settings. Read this guide to learn how.

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