Scan equipment in the mobile app - Basic usage

In this article, we explain how to book equipment using the Rentman Mobile app. It is also possible to book and scan equipment using the browser version of Rentman on a computer.

You can learn more about the various scanning options in this article.

To explore the advanced features available for booking equipment through the Rentman Mobile app, please check out this page.

Where to start

To book equipment out of or back into your warehouse, first, you need to select a project. To do so, just follow these steps below:

  1. Open the Rentman mobile app.
  2. On the left sidebar, select the Warehouse module.
  3. Select the status.
  4. Click on one or multiple projects.
  5. Click on 'Book' at the bottom of the screen.


Booking equipment manually in the app

You can book equipment manually in several ways:

One piece of item at the time

Click on the arrow next to an item's name to book one piece of the item.

one item ata time.gif
All the pieces of one item in one go

Swipe right on the item and select 'Book everything'.

book everything.gif
Select an amount

Swipe left on the item and select 'Book Amount.'

All the equipment in one go

Click on the '...' button on the top right and select 'Book everything.' You can also select a different status, a pop-up will ask which status you want to book all the equipment to.

book everything all.gif

Status Change: After booking all the equipment, a pop-up will appear, suggesting a status change for the (sub)project.


Click on the 111.png icon and aim at a QR/barcode.

  • If the item you scanned is planned on the project, it will be booked.
  • If the item you scanned is not planned, a pop-up will inform you and ask if you want to book it as additional equipment.

Switching between statuses

In Rentman, you have the flexibility to seamlessly switch between equipment statuses and book your items from one status to another. 

Begin by selecting the status you want to book your equipment into.


Begin by selecting the status you want to book your equipment into.

You can do this by clicking on the status in the top-right corner of your screen, which will open a dropdown menu. Pick the desired status from the list.

Example: In the example from the video on the right, we book all the equipment to the status 'Prepped' by selecting it from the dropdown menu on top-right corner of your screen.


book 1.gif
To move your equipment to a different status, simply select the next status from the dropdown menu on the top left of your screen.


To move your equipment to a different status, simply select the next status from the dropdown menu on the top left of your screen.

This action effectively changes the status of the equipment and updates its location within your workflow.

Example: Now, in order to move it from the status 'Prepped' we need to select this status from the dropdown menu on the top left of your screen. Then, the next status should be selected from the right side of the screen.

booo 2.gif

This option is also useful when you book something out by mistake.

When you are booking equipment out, the default status is "On location". When you are booking equipment back in, the default status is "Returned".

The equipment status and the project status can be different.

Book additional equipment 

Book additional equipment
  1. Click on the 'More actions' button [...] on the top-right.
  2. Select 'Plan extra equipment'.
  3. Go to 'Select equipment' to manually search for the name of the equipment.
  4. Select the quantity.
  5. You can choose if you want to include the item in the price calculation.
  6. You can also select whether you want it to be linked to default project times or customize it.
  7. Save.
add extra eqt.gif

Searching for equipment

Searching for equipment
Can't remember if you planned that extra set of microphones? It's possible to search for any equipment in the project from within the booking screen of the warehouse module.
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