How do I print equipment labels?

Download your QR codes (see section below) and print them with a label printer. You can print the codes on quality paper or simply on standard paper. To find out how to create a QR code, you can read our article :Set-up QR codes and barcodes.

Read the section Supported label printers in this article for more information.


Download your QR codes

You can change the size of your QR code labels by adding (or editing) your letterhead in the categoryConfiguration module > Customer communication > Letterhead.

  1. In the category Equipment module, select 78787.png all items that you want to download the QR codes of.
  2. Click on the More actions more_vert button and choose 'Create document'.
  3. Choose a template, a letterhead, which serial numbers to include, and if you want to add a personal text.
  4. Click on  Generate
  5. Download the file by clicking the download icon blobid1.png
  6. (Optional) Click save 'Save to item' to connect this tag to its equipment.
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