In this article, you will learn how to create a basic crew-only project.

A crew-only project is one in which only crew scheduling is involved, including personnel and services. There is no equipment rental involved, as the project centers on crew scheduling and coordination.

For information on creating an equipment-only project, please refer to this article.

Step-by-step guide 

  1. Add a new project.
  2. Set up the time schedule for your project.
  3. You can create function groups from the time schedule or add function groups manually via the "Crew and Transport" tab within your project.
  4. Plan crew members for specific functions or reserve a crew member for a project.
  5. Communicate the crew planning.
  6. Create a quotation or a contract.

How to create a crew-only project, in-depth

To begin, add a new project. Please note that you can only save a project once you've configured the time schedule for it. After setting up the timings for your project, you can save it.

There are two methods for creating function groups for your project:

You can create a one-time function for a single project, or establish a default function for use in future projects.

Next, you can plan crew members for function groups in your project. Additionally, you have the option to reserve a specific time period for a crew member, which is beneficial for ensuring adequate resources during busy periods.

Upon completing your crew planning for project functions, it's time to communicate the scheduling. Multiple options are available for this; please click here for more information.

Finally, once your planning is done, you can create a quotation or a contract and send it to your customer.


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