In the event My schedule module you can see your own planning and answer invitations. Based on your User role rights, you can also see or edit projects, availability, and appointments for you or your colleagues.

In this article, we explain how to use the event My schedule module.


With the buttons on the top right corner you can adjust the overview of the calendar. Today shows you the date of today. The current day is marked by a vertical blue stripe.


On the right, above the calendar, you can filter the calendar view with the following buttons:



By selecting this box, you can filter your view for appointments. Select the box next to your name to see your own appointments. If you have the right, you can also see the appointments of a single colleague (type the name in the search bar) or of all colleagues.  



By selecting this box, you can filter your view for functions with scheduled crew members. Select me to see the functions you're scheduled on. If you have the right, you can also see the scheduled functions of a single crew member (type the name in the search bar) or of all colleagues (select all).  



The functionalities in this section are limited. To have a more detailed overview of your projects, use the Projects module overview


By selecting this box, you can see the days in which a planned project meets one of the following conditions:

  • Equipment in - the day in which the equipment comes back to the warehouse.
  • Equipment out - the day in which the equipment leaves the warehouse.
  • Need crew - the day(s) with crew functions planned.
  • Need transport - the day(s) with transport functions planned.

In the Filters dropdown list, you can filter the view further.

Quickly add a project

Imagine you are on the phone with a client, looking for an opening, and find the perfect date. Instead of going to the table_chart Projects module first, you can directly add the project from the event My schedule module.

  1. Click on a single day (the start date of the project).
  2. Select "Project" in the pop-up
  3. Select your project template of choice. 
  4. Fill out the information as you normally would when planning a project.

Synchronize with your own calendar?

With Calendar synchronization, you can synchronize your Rentman calendar with another device

Enter/view availability

You can enter and view your own or your colleague's availability, depending on your user role rights. This article explains how you can enter the availability of yourself and your crew members.

Set appointments

Depending on your user role rights, you can add appointments for yourself or others. This article explains how you can do it. 


The various colors in the calendar have a different meaning. 

  • Green: Available
  • Red: Unavailable
  • White: Availability unknown




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