Each project has a set status to show what stage the project is in.

The project status helps to filter out what projects need action and if equipment on the project should be taken into account for equipment availability or not. It can tell you if: a quote has been sent, if the customer confirmed the quote, and whether the equipment is on location.

This article explains how to use project statuses, when they are automatically changed and what effect they have on your equipment reservation.

Project statuses in detail


  • When to use: When a project does not continue. The project is not shown anywhere. It will be shown in statistics and can be used in the future.
  • Automatic change to this status: Can only be set manually.
  • Filter in Rentman on: Cancelled.
  • When to use: When you want to enter the exact wishes of your customer. Example: a list of equipment a customer would like to hire, or a customer requesting to have the event exactly as last year.
  • Automatic change to this status: When a project is created from an external source like the webshop plugin.
  • Filter in Rentman on: Inquiry.
  • When to use: When you first start planning your project from beginning
  • Automatic change to this status: This status is automatically applied when you create a blank project.
  • Filter in Rentman on: Concept
  • When to use: When you are working on a project you have sent a quotation for but do not have the confirmation of the customer for yet.
  • Automatic change to this status: When the quotation has been sent.
  • Filter in Rentman on: Pending
  • When to use: When the project is confirmed by the customer.
  • Automatic change to this status: If the customer digitally signs the quotation.
  • Filter in Rentman on: Confirmed
  • When to use: When the equipment is picked and packed in your warehouse and ready to go out.
  • Automatic change to this status: Can be easily used in the Warehouse module.
  • Filter in Rentman on: Prepped.
On location
  • When to use: When the equipment went out to location.
  • Automatic change to this status: Can be easily used in the Warehouse module.
  • Filter in Rentman on: On location.
  • When to use: When the project came back.
  • Automatic change to this status: Can be easily used in the Warehouse module.
  • Filter in Rentman on: Returned.

Changing the status


By default, the project status is changed automatically. This is based on your actions, or the actions of your customer.

  1. Concept
    This is the default status of a new project.
    If you want a project to begin with a different status, use a project template to create a new project.
  2. Pending
    The status changes to pending when you send out a quotation to your customer.
  3. Confirmed
    The status changes to confirmed when your customer digitally signs a quotation.
  4. PreppedOn locationReturned:
    This status is based on your actions in the Warehouse module. In this module, you can book equipment in and out of the warehouse and give it a status.
  1. In a project: during the project, status can be changed at any time:Project_status_2.png
  2. In the Warehouse module: the status of a project can be changed by clicking on "Done" in the project tile.


Project status at a glance

Don't want to open a project just to check its status? We understand. You can easily see if a project is canceled, confirmed, or still pending confirmation in different locations in the  table_chart Projects module. This can help you decide which (sub)projects need immediate attention and which can wait.

Status indicator

Actual Status Status Group From within the project List / Per day view Timeline / Calendar view
  • Cancelled
Cancelled mceclip6.png Project name mceclip10.png
  • Inquiry
  • Concept
  • Pending
Unconfirmed mceclip5.png Project name mceclip11.png
  • Confirmed
  • Prepped
  • On Location
  • Returned
Confirmed mceclip4.png Project name  mceclip13.png


From within the project
From within the project, traffic light symbols are used to indicate subproject status. You can easily see at the top of the page what the status of the active subproject is (in the below image, New York has a red dot, as it is cancelled). By hovering over any dot, a text will pop up explaining exactly what the the status is for that (sub)project (in the below image, we see that for the World Tour, the "status varies per subproject").

From List / Per day view
From Timeline / Calendar
In the calendar or timeline view of projects, the color of the project is determined by the project type. This is not to be confused with the project status. In the image below, we can see that we have one cancelled project (struck through), two confirmed projects (normal), and one project not yet confirmed (italicized).


Filter options

Quickly find important projects by filtering them based on their status
Do you need to find pending projects fast, hide canceled ones, or do both at once? You can do that by using the 'Project status' dropdown menu. Watch the video below to see how.
project status search.gif
Create presets with filters

Create presets with filtersfor the right project status to easily find projects you need to take action for. Example: create a preset with all projects you are the account manager for on the status option to see what projects need a follow-up call after sending the quote.

Crew planner
Create presets with filters for the right project status to make sure only confirmed are shown to make sure first to plan these projects.
Canceled projects are only shown if there are still crew members planned on the projects.

The warehouse shows projects based on the current status. Only projects with status confirmed show here.

Only confirmed projects should be invoiced. If a project is not confirmed it does not show up in the monetization_on Invoice module.

Canceled projects are not shown. Add a preset with filters to filter only confirmed projects in the swap_horizontal_circle Subrent module.

Effect on equipment availability

The status of your project can influence the availability of your equipment. Read the linked article for more information.


Can I add my own project status?
No, currently this is not possible unfortunately. However you can add warehouse custom statuses. We are looking into adding this feature in a future update but no concrete plans have been made. Please send any feedback to our support! 
Is there a status to mark projects as invoiced?
There is no status for projects that are invoiced. A project is invoiced when all invoice moments are completed. The issue with a project status for invoiced is that when and how projects are invoiced is different for each user and for different types of projects. It is possible a project is invoiced before the equipment is back in the warehouse. Some users do not invoice in Rentman at all since they use Rentman primarily for equipment and/or crew planning. 
What happens if I delete a project that has equipment already booked out of the warehouse?
You will get a warning that says "This project contains booked equipment, which does not fit the current status of the project."
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